Flow Induced Crystallization: General description


Module for handling data from start up of shear and extensional flow experiments with flow induced crystallisation.

Data Files

  • The first line of the file should contain the sample parameters separated by semi-colons (;). It may contain any number of parameters which will be read and saved as file-parameter in RepTate.

  • Then the data columns should appear, separated by spaces or tabs.

.shearxs extension

Text files with .shearxs extension should be organised as follows:

  • .shearxs files should contaion at least the parameter values for the:

    1. shear rate, \(\dot\gamma\)

    2. shear end time, \(t\)-stop

    3. temperature, \(T\)

  • 5 columns separated by spaces or tabs containing respectively:

    1. time, \(t\),

    2. shear stress growth function, \(\sigma^+(t)\),

    3. nucleation rate, \(\dot N(t)\),

    4. crystal fraction, \(\phi_X(t)\),

    5. nucleation density, \(N(t)\),

Other columns will be ignored. A correct .shearxs file looks like:

t               sigma_xy        Ndot        phi_X           N
1.437E+00       1.411E+02       5.103E-09       3.227E-08       1.001E-05
1.751E+00       1.709E+02       1.358E-08       5.772E-08       1.001E-05
2.134E+00       2.065E+02       4.283E-08       1.034E-07       1.002E-05
2.600E+00       2.486E+02       1.623E-07       1.858E-07       1.006E-05
3.168E+00       2.978E+02       7.418E-07       3.349E-07       1.028E-05
...         ...         ...         ...         ...




Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional viscosity (depending on the experiment) \(\eta(t)\) vs logarithm of time \(t\)

Ndot(t) [log-log]

ApplicationCrystal.viewNdot(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Nucleation rate as a function of time on log axis \(\dot{N}(t)\) vs time \(t\) (x-axis on log scale by default)

N(t) [log-log]

ApplicationCrystal.viewNt(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Nucleation density as a function of time on log axis \(N(t)\) vs time \(t\) (x-axis on log scale by default)

phiX(t) [log-log]

ApplicationCrystal.viewphiX(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Crystal fraction as a function of time on log axis \(\phi_X(t)\) vs time \(t\) (x-axis on log scale by default)

Ndot(t) [log-lin]

Nucleation rate as a function of time on log axis \(\dot{N}(t)\) vs time \(t\)

N(t) [log-lin]

Nucleation density as a function of time on log axis \(N(t)\) vs time \(t\)

phiX(t) [log-lin]

Crystal fraction as a function of time on log axis \(\\phi_X(t)\) vs time \(t\)



Transient shear or extensional viscosity (depending on the experiment) \(\eta(t)\) vs time \(t\) (both axes in logarithmic scale by default)



Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs logarithm of the strain \(\gamma\)



Transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs strain \(\gamma\)



Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs logarithm of time \(t\)



Transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs time \(t\)

Flow Curve


\(\sigma(t_{\to\infty})\) vs flow rate

Steady Nucleation

ApplicationCrystal.view_steadyNuc(dt, file_parameters)[source]

\(\dot{N}(t_{\to\infty})\) vs flow rate


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