Version History¶
Release 1.3.3 - 20231219¶
Optimization with integer parameters (Pom-Pom)
Expanded shear and uext file to contain gammadot and epsdot
Some theories can handle time dependent flow rate
Fit simultaneously Creep and Creep Recovery experiments of the same sample.
Better import from Excel; Data imported from Excel can be fitted with theories
Allow to save current DataSet
Show several theories with different linestyles
Changes to the code to make it compatible with modern versions of Python, Numpy and Matplotlib
Removed CLI (Command Line Interface).
Removed high DPI option (automatically handled)
Removed spinbox to increase/decrease number of views (giving problems)
Removed mplcursors (data can be tracked by showing the Figure Toolbar)
Changed PyQt5 –> PySide6. Solved the High DPI problem on Windows
Removed bug that erased figures when switching tabs in multi plot view
Release 1.1.0 - 20200527¶
NEW DSM theory in the LVE App (thanks to J. Ethier & J. Schieber)
NEW Tool Powerlaw
NEW TTS Shift any data from the Materials Database tool
NEW Basic Theory (Algebraic Expression). It can use file parameters
NEW Stand-alone applications (Materials Database and Universal Viewer)
NEW logging functionality
Corrected small bugs, simplified code structure and documentation
Open files, theories, tools and projects from the command line
Created pypi package
Some tools can now use file parameters
Materials Database shows info about current files
Added colors and simplified the command line notation
Added better version control
Release 1.0.0 - 20200330¶
NEW Crystal application for flow induced crystallization
NEW LAOS application for the analysis of large amplitude oscillatory shear data (based on MITlaos)
NEW Sticky Reptation theory in the LVE module
NEW ReSpect theory to extract the continuous and discrete relaxation spectra in the LVE and Gt Apps
NEW GO-polySTRAND theory for flow induced nucleation in the Crystal App
NEW Smooth-polySTRAND theory for flow induced nucleation in the Crystal App
NEW theories Rolie-Poly, UCM, Giesekus and Pom-Pom in the LAOS App
NEW Installation package for Windows with file associations
NEW Global and local optimization methods
Release 0.9.7 - 20200117¶
NEW right-click to save chart
New Windows installation package with association of common RepTate files
New functionality for Materials Database (new/edit/duplicate materials)
Release 0.9.6 - 20191111¶
NEW axes and label setting options
NEW Arrhenius theory in TTSFactor app
NEW enable delete data points
NEW: import excel files dialog
Correction to Carreau-Yasuda theory
Release 0.9.5 - 20181205¶
New React theory “Diene CSTR”
New Rolie-Double-Poly-LVE theory for polydisperse entangled linear polymers
New BoB NLVE theory
New NLVE theory: PETS model
New NLVE theory: GLaMM
Changed BoB so it doesn´t generate auxiliary files
View all theories applied to current dataset simultaneously
Added cursor to check data values with the mouse
Corrections to bugs
Release 0.9.3 - 20180719¶
New App: to handle and fit TTS shift factors
New Tools for manipulating how data is represented (draggable to set the order of application)
New Tools: Integral, Find Peaks, Gradient, Smooth data, set bounds to data, Evaluate Expression, Interpolate/Extrapolate
New Materials Database (implemented as a Tool); theory parameters are read from the database if the chemistry is available
New View: i-Rheo for J(t), with oversampling
Handling of citations
Bayesian information criterion printed in theory output
Save to Flowsolve button in RP and BlendRP theories
Save Maxwell modes in all theories
Copy/Paste parameters between theories
Legend settings and autoupdate legend
Better bug handling (send email to developers)
Save all views data to a text file
Shifting of files; handling and saving shift parameters
Nicer HTML output in Theory and Tools
Allow calculations and fits to be stopped
Developer docs: Callback functions
Zoom (right button and wheel; zoom in and zoom out) and Pan (middle button)
Dummyfiles to check theory predictions without experimental data
New NLVE test data
Allow many plots in the same application
Release 0.9.2 - 20180503¶
Save theory predictions to a file
Save/Load RepTate project
New App: Dielectric spectroscopy
New Dielectric Theories: Debye and Havriliak-Negami relaxation modes
New Dielectric Theories: Kolhrauch-Williams-Watts (KWW) modes (BETA VERSION)
Select xrange for iRheo G(t) view transformation
alternate filled/empty symbols for views with n>1
Read data from Excel file (only in CL version, LVE app)
Zoom plot with mouse wheel (does not work if multiview > 1)
Added all LVE views to TTS.
LVE app can open osc files.
Added missing views from old RepTate
i-Rheo is the default view for panel 2 (Gt)
Calculate integrals and find peaks of data (Experimental, only in CL version)
“get modes” for Blend RP theory
Release 0.9.1 - 20180416¶
New MWD Theories: Generalized Exponential (GEX) & LogNormal distributions
New Gt View: i-Rheo transformation with tunable oversampling
Release 0.9 - 20180327¶
New App: SANS for Neutran Scattering experiments
New App: Creep
New TTS Theory: WLF with temperature independent parameters
New LVE Theory: Branch-on-Branch linear rheology from polyconf file
New LVE and Gt Theories: dynamic dilution of star polymers in freq and time domain
New LVE and Gt Theories: Rouse model in freq and time domain
New NLVE Theory: Blend of Rolie-Poly equations for polydisperse melts
New NLVE Theory: Pom-pom model
New NLVE Theory: Giesekus constitutive equation
New NLVE Theory: Upper-Convected Maxwell constitutive equation
New Creep Theory: Retardation Modes
New SANS Theory: Debye function for neutron scattering of ideal polymer chains
New React Theory: generate polymer configuration with BoB
New View i-Rheo in Application Gt
Double click on theory parameter to change its attributes
Auto fit when dragging x/y-limits
Select format of theory lines
New basic theories (exponential, polynomial, etc), available to all Apps
Release 0.8 - 20180215¶
New App: React
New Gt View: Schwarzl tranform
New LVE View: all views from old RepTate
New NLVE File type: elong for startup of extensional flow
New React theory: Tobita Batch
New React theory: Tobita CSTR
New React theory: MultiMetallocen
New React theory: Mixture
New LVE theory: Carreau-Yasuda equation
New NLVE theory: Rolie-Poly with finite extensibility
New color palettes
Fixed bug: add file when theory exists
Fixed small bugs in MWD theory
Fixed bug: ticking files to visible shows the old view
Views sorted
Delete datafile with Supr
Theory applies to active files only
New automatic TTS shift
Can use parallel threads for calculation and minimization
Save BoB configuration to file
Improved output from TTS theories
Added Multiplots capability
Double-click on file allows to view/edit file parameters
Copy chart to clipboard
Right-click on a series allows to copy/save the data
Open files when passed as command line arguments
New button to prevent autoscale
Added buttons to read online documentation
MW Discr theory with draggable modes
Release 0.7.1 - 20171209¶
New App: Gt
Shift Maxwell modes by hand
Interpolate Maxwell modes when the number of modes is changed
Symbol settings dialog
Basic handling of units
Redesign the theory tab widget
Zooming with mouse wheel (only in CL version)
Button to add annotations to the plot (beta)
Button for xy range selection for fit
Copy data from inspector to clipboard
View/move Maxwell modes in plot
New icons from icons8
View LVE envelope in RoliePoly
Added stretching modes to RoliePoly
Release 0.5 - 20171105¶
New GUI with same functionality as the command line
New App: MWD
New MWD theory: MW Discretize
Fixed Bug: view all when changing tab
Copy Maxwell modes from other App
Use parameter bounds in fitting
Drag and drop files to the RepTate window
Double-click on tabs to change name
Button to Reload data
Highlight currently selected file
Data inspector shows file raw data
Draggable lines
Release 0.1 - 20161209¶
Basic structure of RepTate
Basic command line application
New App: TTS
New App: LVE
New App: NLVE
New LVE Theory: Maxwell modes fitting
New LVE theory: Likhtman-McLeish
New NLVE theory: Rolie-Poly
Run in batch mode
Basic Read the docs documentation