Applications and Theories¶
Molecular Weight Distribution Analysis (MWD)¶
Discretization of a Molecular Weight Distribution
Generalized Exponential (GEX)
LogNormal distribution
Time-Temperature Superposition (TTS)¶
Williams-Landel-Ferry shift (WLF)
Manual and automatic TTS shift
Analysis of shift factors
Linear Viscoelastic data analysis (LVE)¶
Maxwell modes fitting
Likhtman-McLeish 2002 theory
Carreau-Yasuda equation
Rouse model
Dynamic-tube dilution for stars
BoB: Rheology of Branch-on-branch polymers
Start-up of shear and extensional flow (NLVE)¶
Rolie-Poly equation for linear polymer melts
Upper-Convected Maxwell constitutive equation
Giesekus constitutive equation
Pom-pom model
Rolie-Double-Poly equation for binary blends
BoB: Branch-on-branch polymers
PETS: Pre-averaged for entangled telechelic star polymers
SCCR: linear entangled polymers
Stress relaxation experiments (Gt)¶
Maxwell modes fitting
Dynamic-tube dilution for stars
Rouse model
Creep experiments (Creep)¶
Retardation modes
Neutron scattering experiments (SANS)¶
Debye theory for neutron scattering from ideal polymer chains (SANS)
Monte Carlo polymerisation (React)¶
LDPE batch reaction (Tobita batch)
LDPE CSTR reaction (Tobita CSTR)
Multiple-metallocene reaction
Combine React theories
Create polymer configuration for BoB rheology
Diene CSTR reaction
Dielectric Spectroscopy (Dielectric)¶
Debye and Havriliak-Negami relaxation modes
Kolhrauch-Williams-Watts (KWW) modes
Graphical User Interface¶
Export the figure to PDF, PNG, …
Flexibility to choose symbols and colors for the data
Inspection of the experiment and theory data
Read data from Excel file (Experimental)
i-Rheo Fourier transform to get G’ and G’’ from G(t)
Zoom with mouse and wheel
Save predictions of theory to a RepTate compatible file
..todo:: Update this list