LAOS: General Description


Application for Large Oscillatory Shear data

Data Files

  • The first line of the file should contain the sample parameters separated by semi-colons (;). It may contain any number of parameters which will be read and saved as file-parameter in RepTate.

  • Then the data columns should appear, separated by spaces or tabs.

.laos extension

Text files with .laos extension should be organised as follows:

  • .laos files should contaion at least the parameter values for the:

    1. Frequency omega,

    2. Amplitude gamma.

  • 3 columns separated by spaces or tabs containing respectively:

    1. time, \(t\),

    2. strain, \(\gamma\),

    3. stress \(\sigma\).

Other columns will be ignored. The top of a correct .laos file looks like:

#time   Strain(-)       Stress(Pa)
0.082   0.07802         8.5946
0.445   0.42041         10.804
0.814   0.7637          11.736
1.187   1.1018          11.959
1.559   1.4245          11.807
1.924   1.7241          11.419
2.292   2.0053          10.893
2.659   2.262           10.246
...     ...         ...



Need to report the views available in LAOS