

Module ApplicationCreep

Module for the analysis of data from Creep experiments

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationCreep.ApplicationCreep(name='Creep', parent=None)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application to Analyze Data from Creep experiments


Add spinbox for the oversampling ratio


Add widgets below the view combobox to select the x-range applied to view transformation

appname = 'Creep'

Change the value of the oversampling ratio. Called when the spinbox value is changed

description = 'Creep Experiments'
extension = 'creep'

Return the x and y data that with t in [self.tmin_view, self.tmax_view]

html_help_file = ''

Update the value of eta. Return success status


Show/Hide the extra widget “sampling ratio”


Show/Hide extra view widgets depending on the current view


Update the value of t_max. Return success status


Update the value of t_min. Return success status


Show/Hide the extra widgets for xrange selection

staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationCreep" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
viewJt(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Compliance \(J(t)=\gamma(t)/\sigma_0\) (where \(\sigma_0\) is the applied stress in the creep experiment) vs time \(t\) (both axes in logarithmic scale)

viewLogJt(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the compliance \(J(t)=\gamma(t)/\sigma_0\) (where \(\sigma_0\) is the applied stress in the creep experiment) vs logarithm of time \(t\)

viewLogStraint(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the applied strain \(\gamma(t)\) vs logarithm of time \(t\)

viewStraint(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Applied strain \(\gamma(t)\) vs time \(t\) (both axes in logarithmic scale)

viewiRheo(dt, file_parameters)[source]

i-Rheo Fourier transformation of the compliance \(J(t)\) to obtain the storage modulus \(G'(\omega)\) and loss modulus \(G''(\omega)\) (no oversamplig).

viewiRheoOver(dt, file_parameters)[source]

i-Rheo Fourier transformation of the compliance \(J(t)\) to obtain the storage modulus \(G'(\omega)\) and loss modulus \(G''(\omega)\) (with user selected oversamplig).

viewt_Jt(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Time divided by compliance \(t/J(t)\) vs time \(t\) (both axes in logarithmic scale)


Module ApplicationCrystal

Module for handling data from start up of shear and extensional flow experiments with flow induced crystallisation.

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationCrystal.ApplicationCrystal(name='Crystal', parent=None)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Module for handling data from start up of shear and extensional flow experiments with flow induced crystallisation.

appname = 'Crystal'
description = 'Flow induced Crystallisation'
extension = 'shearxs uextxs shear uext'
html_help_file = ''
staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationCrystal" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
viewLogSigmaGamma(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs logarithm of the strain \(\gamma\)

viewLogSigmaTime(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs logarithm of time \(t\)

viewLogeta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional viscosity (depending on the experiment) \(\eta(t)\) vs logarithm of time \(t\)

viewNdot(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Nucleation rate as a function of time on log axis \(\dot{N}(t)\) vs time \(t\) (x-axis on log scale by default)

viewNt(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Nucleation density as a function of time on log axis \(N(t)\) vs time \(t\) (x-axis on log scale by default)

viewSigmaGamma(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs strain \(\gamma\)

viewSigmaTime(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs time \(t\)

view_flowcurve(dt, file_parameters)[source]

\(\sigma(t_{\to\infty})\) vs flow rate

view_steadyNuc(dt, file_parameters)[source]

\(\dot{N}(t_{\to\infty})\) vs flow rate

vieweta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Transient shear or extensional viscosity (depending on the experiment) \(\eta(t)\) vs time \(t\) (both axes in logarithmic scale by default)

viewphiX(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Crystal fraction as a function of time on log axis \(\phi_X(t)\) vs time \(t\) (x-axis on log scale by default)


Module ApplicationDielectric

Module for the analysis of small angle oscillatory shear data - Master curves

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationDielectric.ApplicationDielectric(name='Dielectric', parent=None)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application to Analyze Dielectric Spectroscopy Data

appname = 'Dielectric'
description = 'Dielectric Spectroscopy'
extension = 'dls'
html_help_file = ''
staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationDielectric" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
viewColeCole(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Cole-Cole plot: Dielectric Loss \(\epsilon''(\omega)\) vs relative permittivity \(\epsilon'(\omega)\)

viewE1(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Relative permittivity \(\epsilon'(\omega)\) vs frequency \(\omega\)

viewE1E2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Relative permittivity and Dielectric Loss \(\epsilon'(\omega), \epsilon''(\omega)\) vs frequency \(\omega\)

viewE2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Dielectric Loss \(\epsilon''(\omega)\) vs frequency \(\omega\)

viewLogE1(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Log or the relative permittivity \(\epsilon'(\omega)\) vs logarithm of the frequency \(\omega\)

viewLogE1E2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Log or the relative permittivity and Dielectric Loss \(\epsilon'(\omega), \epsilon''(\omega)\) vs logarithm of the frequency \(\omega\)

viewLogE2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Log or the Dielectric Loss \(\epsilon''(\omega)\) vs logarithm of the frequency \(\omega\)

viewSemiLogE1(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Semilog plot: Relative permittivity \(\epsilon'(\omega)\) vs logarithm of the frequency \(\omega\)

viewSemiLogE1E2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Semilog plot: Relative permittivity and Dielectric Loss \(\epsilon'(\omega), \epsilon''(\omega)\) vs logarithm of frequency \(\omega\)

viewSemiLogE2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Semilog plot: Dielectric Loss \(\epsilon''(\omega)\) vs logarithm of the frequency \(\omega\)


Module ApplicationGt

Module for the analysis of stress relaxation data from simulations and experiments.

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationGt.ApplicationGt(name='Gt', parent=None)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application to Analyze Stress Relaxation Data


Add spinbox for the oversampling ratio


Add widgets below the view combobox to select the x-range applied to view transformation

appname = 'Gt'

Change the value of the oversampling ratio. Called when the spinbox value is changed

description = 'Relaxation modulus'
extension = 'gt'

Return the x and y data that with t in [self.tmin_view, self.tmax_view]

html_help_file = ''

Show/Hide the extra widget “sampling ratio”


Show/Hide extra view widgets depending on the current view


Update the value of t_max. Return success status


Update the value of t_min. Return success status


Show/Hide the extra widgets for xrange selection

staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationGt" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
viewGt(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Relaxation modulus \(G(t)\) vs time \(t\) (both in logarithmic scale)

viewLogGt(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the relaxation modulus \(G(t)\) vs logarithm of time \(t\)

viewSchwarzl_Gt(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Schwarzl transformation: numerical calculation of the storage modulus \(G'(\omega)\) and loss modulus \(G''(\omega)\) from the relaxation modulus \(G(t)\)

viewiRheo(dt, file_parameters)[source]

i-Rheo Fourier transformation of the relaxation modulus \(G(t)\) to obtain the storage modulus \(G'(\omega)\) and loss modulus \(G''(\omega)\) (no oversamplig).

viewiRheoOver(dt, file_parameters)[source]

i-Rheo Fourier transformation of the relaxation modulus \(G(t)\) to obtain the storage modulus \(G'(\omega)\) and loss modulus \(G''(\omega)\) (with user selected oversamplig).


Module ApplicationLAOS

Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationLAOS.ApplicationLAOS(name='LAOS', parent=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application for Large Oscillatory Shear data


Find trigonometric Fourier Series components from FFT: f = A0 + SUM_n( An*cos(n*2*pi*t/T + Bn*sin(n*2*pi*t/T)

VARIABLES f vector to be transformed A0 essentially mean(f) An cosine terms Bn sine terms

SEQUENCE force input to have EVEN number of data points (reqd for fft.m) take FFT > complex vector results extract trigonometric terms from complex vector


Add spinbox for HHSR


Add spinbox for HHSR

appname = 'LAOS'

Change the value of the HHSR. Called when the spinbox value is changed


Change the value of the PPQC. Called when the spinbox value is changed

chebyshev_decompose_MITlaos(F, N, X=None)[source]

Find Chebyshev Polynomial components of input data vector:

\[f = A_0 T_0(x) + A_1 T_1(x) + A_2 T_2(x) + ...\]

[An]= chebyshev_decompose(F,N,X)

Assumes F occupies the domain [-1 : +1] with an arbitrary number of data points Uses trapz.m to calculate integrals

  • F – vector of data, in domain [-1:1]

  • N – degree of desired Legendre Polynomial decomposition

  • X – Range points associated with F


\(A_n\) vector of Chebyshev coefficients \(A_n(i) = A_{i-1}\)

cycletrim_MITlaos(gamma, tau)[source]
description = 'LAOS Application'
extension = 'laos'
reconstruct_gamma_tau(An, Bn, gam_0, Ncycles)[source]

Show/Hide the extra widget “HHSR”


Show/Hide the extra widget “PPQC”


Show/Hide extra view widgets depending on the current view

staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationLAOS" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
view_chebelastic(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Chebyshev decomposition, elastic components

view_chebviscous(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Chebyshev decomposition, viscous components

view_fftspectrum(dt, file_parameters)[source]

FFT spectrum of stress signal

view_gammatRAW(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Strain vs time RAW data

view_sigmagammaANLS(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Stress vs strain ANALYSIS

view_sigmagammaFILTERED(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Stress vs strain FILTERED data

view_sigmagammaRAW(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Stress vs strain RAW data

view_sigmagammadot(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Stress vs strain rate

view_sigmagammadotANLS(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Stress vs strain rate ANALYSIS

view_sigmatRAW(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Stress vs time RAW data

view_sigmatgammatRAW(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Stress & strain vs time

view_sigmatgammatRAWSCALED(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Stress SCALED & strain vs time


Module ApplicationLVE

Module for the analysis of small angle oscillatory shear data - Master curves

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationLVE.ApplicationLVE(name='LVE', parent=None)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application to Analyze Linear Viscoelastic Data

appname = 'LVE'
description = 'Linear Viscoelasticity'
extension = 'tts'
html_help_file = ''
staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationLVE" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
viewColeCole(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Cole-Cole plot: out of phase viscosity \(\eta''(\omega)=G'(\omega)/\omega\) vs dynamic viscosity \(\eta'(\omega)=G''(\omega)/\omega\)

viewDelta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Loss or phase angle \(\delta(\omega)=\arctan(G''/G')\cdot 180/\pi\) (in degrees, in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewEtaStar(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Complex viscosity \(\eta^*(\omega) = \sqrt{G'^2 + G''^2}/\omega\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewG1(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Storage modulus \(G'(\omega)\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewG1G2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Storage modulus \(G'(\omega)\) and loss modulus \(G''(\omega)\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewG2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Loss modulus \(G''(\omega)\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewJ1J2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Storage compliance \(J'(\omega)=G'/(G'^2+G''^2)\) and loss compliance \(J''(\omega)=G''/(G'^2+G''^2)\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewLogEtaStar(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the complex viscosity \(\eta^*(\omega) = \sqrt{G'^2 + G''^2}/\omega\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogG1(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the storage modulus \(\log(G'(\omega))\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogG1G2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the storage modulus \(\log(G'(\omega))\) and loss modulus \(\log(G''(\omega))\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogG1G2tandelta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the storage modulus \(\log(G'(\omega))\), loss modulus \(\log(G''(\omega))\) and tangent of the loss angle \(\log(\tan(\delta(\omega)))=\log(G''/G')\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogG2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the loss modulus \(\log(G''(\omega))\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogGstar(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the modulus of the complex viscosity \(|G^*(\omega)|=\sqrt{G'^2+G''^2}\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogTanDelta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

\(\log(\tan(\delta(\omega)))=\log(G''/G')\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogtandeltaGstar(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the tangent of the loss angle \(\tan(\delta(\omega))=G''/G'\) vs logarithm of the modulus of the complex viscosity \(|G^*(\omega)|=\sqrt{G'^2+G''^2}\)

viewTanDelta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Tangent of the phase angle \(\tan(\delta(\omega))=G''/G'\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewdeltatanGstar(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Loss angle \(\delta(\omega)=\arctan(G''/G')\) vs logarithm of the modulus of the complex viscosity \(|G^*(\omega)|=\sqrt{G'^2+G''^2}\)


Module ApplicationMWD

Module for handling Molecular weight distributions from GPC experiments.

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationMWD.ApplicationMWD(name='MWD', parent=None)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application to analyze Molecular Weight Distributions

appname = 'MWD'
description = 'Experimental Molecular weight distributions'
extension = 'gpc'
html_help_file = ''
staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationMWD" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
view_WM(dt, file_parameters)[source]

\(W(M)\) vs \(M\)

view_logWM(dt, file_parameters)[source]

\(\log(W(M))\) vs \(\log(M)\)


Module ApplicationNLVE

Module for handling data from start up of shear and extensional flow experiments.

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationNLVE.ApplicationNLVE(name='NLVE', parent=None)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application to Analyze Start up of Nonlinear flow

appname = 'NLVE'
description = 'Non-Linear Flow'
extension = 'shear uext'
html_help_file = ''
staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationNLVE" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
viewLogSigmaGamma(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs logarithm of the strain \(\gamma\)

viewLogSigmaTime(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs logarithm of time \(t\)

viewLogeta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional viscosity (depending on the experiment) \(\eta(t)\) vs logarithm of time \(t\)

viewSigmaGamma(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs strain \(\gamma\)

viewSigmaTime(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) \(\sigma(t)\) vs time \(t\)

view_flowcurve(dt, file_parameters)[source]

\(\sigma(t_{\to\infty})\) vs flow rate

vieweta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Transient shear or extensional viscosity (depending on the experiment) \(\eta(t)\) vs time \(t\) (both axes in logarithmic scale by default)


Module ApplicationReact

React module

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationReact.ApplicationReact(name='React', parent=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application for Monte Carlo polymerisation

appname = 'React'

Redefinition to handle the x-range selection when P&S is selected

description = 'React Application'
extension = 'reac'
html_help_file = ''
staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationReact" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
thview_avarmlen_v_prio(dt, file_parameters)[source]
thview_avarmlen_v_senio(dt, file_parameters)[source]
thview_avprio_v_senio(dt, file_parameters)[source]
thview_avsenio_v_prio(dt, file_parameters)[source]
thview_proba_mass_br(dt, file_parameters)[source]
thview_proba_num_br(dt, file_parameters)[source]
thview_proba_prio(dt, file_parameters)[source]
thview_proba_senio(dt, file_parameters)[source]
view_br_1000C(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Number of branching points per 1000 carbon as a function of the molecular weight

view_gM(dt, file_parameters)[source]

\(g\)-factor as a function of the molecular weight. The \(g\)-factor is defined as \(g = \dfrac{\langle R^2_g \rangle_\text{branched}}{\langle R^2_g \rangle_\text{linear}}\)

view_loggM(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the \(g\)-factor as a function of the molecular weight. The \(g\)-factor is defined as \(g = \dfrac{\langle R^2_g \rangle_\text{branched}}{\langle R^2_g \rangle_\text{linear}}\)

view_logwM(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the molecular weight distribution \(\log(w(M))\) vs molecular weight \(M\) (in logarithmic scale)

view_wM(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Molecular weight distribution \(w(M)\) vs molecular weight \(M\) (in logarithmic scale)


Module ApplicationSANS

Module for the analysis of data from SANS experiments

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationSANS.ApplicationSANS(name='SANS', parent=None)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application to Analyze Data from SANS experiments

appname = 'SANS'
description = 'Small Angle Neutron Scattering Experiments'
extension = 'sans'
html_help_file = ''
staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationSANS" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
viewKratky(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Kratky plot: \(q^2\cdot I(q)\) vs \(q\)

viewLogSANS(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the scattered intensity \(\log (I(q))\) vs the logarithm of the scattering vector \(\log(q)\)

viewSANS(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Scattered intensity \(I(q)\) vs scattering vector \(q\) (both axes in logarithmic scale)

viewZimm(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Zimm plot: \(I(q)^{-1}\) vs \(q^2\)


Module ApplicationTTS

Module for handling small angle oscillatory shear experiments and applying the time-temperature superposition principle.

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationTTS.ApplicationTTS(name='TTS', parent=None)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application to Analyze Linear Viscoelastic Data and perform Time-Temperature Superposition

appname = 'TTS'
description = 'Linear Viscoelasticity'
extension = 'osc'
html_help_file = ''
staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationTTS" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
viewColeCole(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Cole-Cole plot: out of phase viscosity \(\eta''(\omega)=G'(\omega)/\omega\) vs dynamic viscosity \(\eta'(\omega)=G''(\omega)/\omega\)

viewDelta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Loss or phase angle \(\delta(\omega)=\arctan(G''/G')\cdot 180/\pi\) (in degrees, in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewEtaStar(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Complex viscosity \(\eta^*(\omega) = \sqrt{G'^2 + G''^2}/\omega\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewG1(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Storage modulus \(G'(\omega)\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewG1G2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Storage modulus \(G'(\omega)\) and loss modulus \(G''(\omega)\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewG2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Loss modulus \(G''(\omega)\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewJ1J2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Storage compliance \(J'(\omega)=G'/(G'^2+G''^2)\) and loss compliance \(J''(\omega)=G''/(G'^2+G''^2)\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewLogEtaStar(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the complex viscosity \(\eta^*(\omega) = \sqrt{G'^2 + G''^2}/\omega\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogG1(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the storage modulus \(\log(G'(\omega))\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogG1G2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the storage modulus \(\log(G'(\omega))\) and loss modulus \(\log(G''(\omega))\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogG1G2tandelta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the storage modulus \(\log(G'(\omega))\), loss modulus \(\log(G''(\omega))\) and tangent of the loss angle \(\log(\tan(\delta(\omega)))=\log(G''/G')\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogG2(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the loss modulus \(\log(G''(\omega))\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogGstar(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the modulus of the complex viscosity \(|G^*(\omega)|=\sqrt{G'^2+G''^2}\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogTanDelta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

\(\log(\tan(\delta(\omega)))=\log(G''/G')\) vs \(\log(\omega)\)

viewLogtandeltaGstar(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the tangent of the loss angle \(\tan(\delta(\omega))=G''/G'\) vs logarithm of the modulus of the complex viscosity \(|G^*(\omega)|=\sqrt{G'^2+G''^2}\)

viewTanDelta(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Tangent of the phase angle \(\tan(\delta(\omega))=G''/G'\) (in logarithmic scale) vs \(\omega\) (in logarithmic scale)

viewdeltatanGstar(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Loss angle \(\delta(\omega)=\arctan(G''/G')\) vs logarithm of the modulus of the complex viscosity \(|G^*(\omega)|=\sqrt{G'^2+G''^2}\)


Module ApplicationTTSFactors

Module for handling time-temperature superposition factors and fit theories.

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationTTSFactors.ApplicationTTSFactors(name='TTSF', parent=None)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application handling time-temperature superposition factors and fit theories

appname = 'TTSF'
description = 'TTS shift factors'
extension = 'ttsf'
html_help_file = ''
staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationTTSFactors" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
viewLogaT(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the horizontal shift factor

viewLogaT_invT(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the horizontal shift factor

viewLogaTbT(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the vertical shift factor

viewLogbT(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Logarithm of the vertical shift factor

viewaT(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Horizontal shift factor

viewbT(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Vertical shift factor


Module ApplicationUniversalViewer

Definition of a new Application for viewing generic txt data

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationUniversalViewer.ApplicationUniversalViewer(name='Universal Viewer', parent=None, inifile=None, nplot_max=1)[source]

Bases: QApplicationWindow

Application for viewing generic txt data described by ini files

appname = 'Universal Viewer'
description = 'Universal Viewer Application'
extension = ''
staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ApplicationUniversalViewer" inherits "QApplicationWindow": )
viewyx(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Example View function

class RepTate.applications.ApplicationUniversalViewer.ViewParseExpression(name='', n=1, col_names=[], xexpr=[], yexpr=[], parent=None)[source]

Bases: object

Auxiliary class to define views that must parse an expression before being shown

view(dt, file_parameters)[source]

Actual function that processes the expression, extracts variables, file parameters and columns, and produces the view