Source code for RepTate.applications.ApplicationLVE

# RepTate: Rheology of Entangled Polymers: Toolkit for the Analysis of Theory and Experiments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors:
#     Jorge Ramirez,
#     Victor Boudara,
# Useful links:
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# Copyright (2017-2023): Jorge Ramirez, Victor Boudara, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Leeds
# This file is part of RepTate.
# RepTate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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# RepTate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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"""Module ApplicationLVE

Module for the analysis of small angle oscillatory shear data - Master curves

from RepTate.gui.QApplicationWindow import QApplicationWindow
from RepTate.core.View import View
from RepTate.core.FileType import TXTColumnFile, ExcelFile
import numpy as np

[docs] class ApplicationLVE(QApplicationWindow): """Application to Analyze Linear Viscoelastic Data""" appname = "LVE" description = "Linear Viscoelasticity" extension = "tts" html_help_file = "" def __init__(self, name="LVE", parent=None): """**Constructor**""" from RepTate.theories.TheoryMaxwellModes import TheoryMaxwellModesFrequency from RepTate.theories.TheoryLikhtmanMcLeish2002 import TheoryLikhtmanMcLeish2002 from RepTate.theories.TheoryDSMLinear import TheoryDSMLinear from RepTate.theories.TheoryCarreauYasuda import TheoryCarreauYasuda from RepTate.theories.TheoryRouse import TheoryRouseFrequency from RepTate.theories.TheoryDTDStars import TheoryDTDStarsFreq from RepTate.theories.TheoryBobLVE import TheoryBobLVE from RepTate.theories.TheoryRDPLVE import TheoryRDPLVE from RepTate.theories.TheoryStickyReptation import TheoryStickyReptation from RepTate.theories.TheoryShanbhagMaxwellModes import ( TheoryShanbhagMaxwellModesFrequency, ) super().__init__(name, parent) # VIEWS self.views["log(G',G''(w))"] = View( name="log(G',G''(w))", description="log Storage,Loss moduli", x_label="log($\omega$)", y_label="log(G'($\omega$),G''($\omega$))", x_units="rad/s", y_units="Pa", log_x=False, log_y=False, view_proc=self.viewLogG1G2, n=2, snames=["log(G'(w))", "log(G''(w))"], ) self.views["G',G''(w)"] = View( "G',G''(w)", "Storage,Loss moduli", r"$\omega$", r"G'($\omega$),G''($\omega$)", "rad/s", "Pa", True, True, self.viewG1G2, 2, ["G'(w)", "G''(w)"], ) self.views["etastar"] = View( "etastar", "Complex Viscosity", r"$\omega$", r"$|\eta^*(\omega)|$", "rad/s", "Pa.s", True, True, self.viewEtaStar, 1, ["eta*(w)"], ) self.views["logetastar"] = View( "logetastar", "log Complex Viscosity", r"log($\omega$)", r"log$|\eta^*(\omega)|$", "rad/s", "Pa.s", False, False, self.viewLogEtaStar, 1, ["log(eta*(w))"], ) self.views["delta"] = View( "delta", "delta", r"$\omega$", r"$\delta(\omega)$", "rad/s", "-", True, True, self.viewDelta, 1, ["delta(w)"], ) self.views["tan(delta)"] = View( "tan(delta)", "tan(delta)", r"$\omega$", r"tan($\delta$)", "rad/s", "-", True, True, self.viewTanDelta, 1, ["tan(delta((w))"], ) self.views["log(tan(delta))"] = View( "log(tan(delta))", "log(tan(delta))", r"log($\omega$)", r"log(tan($\delta$))", "rad/s", "-", False, False, self.viewLogTanDelta, 1, ["log(tan(delta((w)))"], ) self.views["log(G*)"] = View( "log(G*)", "log(G*(omega))", r"log($\omega$)", r"log(G*($\omega$))", "rad/s", "Pa", False, False, self.viewLogGstar, 1, ["log(G*)"], ) self.views["log(tan(delta),G*)"] = View( "log(tan(delta),G*)", r"log(tan($\delta$))", "log(G*)", r"log(tan($\delta$))", "Pa", "-", False, False, self.viewLogtandeltaGstar, 1, [r"log(tan($\delta))"], ) self.views["delta(G*)"] = View( "delta(G*)", r"$\delta$)", "log(G*)", r"$\delta$)", "Pa", "deg", False, False, self.viewdeltatanGstar, 1, ["delta"], ) self.views["J',J''(w)"] = View( "J',J''(w)", "J moduli", r"$\omega$", r"J'($\omega$),J''($\omega$)", "rad/s", r"$Pa^{-1}$", True, True, self.viewJ1J2, 2, ["J'(w)", "J''(w)"], ) self.views["Cole-Cole"] = View( "Cole-Cole", "Cole-Cole plot", r"$\eta'$", r"$\eta''$", "Pa.s", "Pa.s", False, False, self.viewColeCole, 1, [r"$eta'$"], ) self.views["log(G')"] = View( name="log(G')", description="log Storage modulus", x_label=r"log($\omega$)", y_label=r"log(G'($\omega$))", x_units="rad/s", y_units="Pa", log_x=False, log_y=False, view_proc=self.viewLogG1, n=1, snames=["log(G'(w))"], ) self.views["G'"] = View( "G'", "Storage modulus", r"$\omega$", r"G'($\omega$)", "rad/s", "Pa", True, True, self.viewG1, 1, ["G'(w)"], ) self.views["log(G'')"] = View( name="log(G'')", description="log Loss modulus", x_label=r"log($\omega$)", y_label=r"log(G'($\omega$))", x_units="rad/s", y_units="Pa", log_x=False, log_y=False, view_proc=self.viewLogG2, n=1, snames=["log(G''(w))"], ) self.views["G''"] = View( "G''", "Loss modulus", r"$\omega$", r"G''($\omega$)", "rad/s", "Pa", True, True, self.viewG2, 1, ["G''(w)"], ) self.views["log(G',G''(w),tan(delta))"] = View( name="log(G',G''(w),tan(delta))", description="log Storage,Loss moduli, tan(delta)", x_label=r"log($\omega$)", y_label=r"log(G'($\omega$),G''($\omega$),tan($\delta$))", x_units="rad/s", y_units="Pa,-", log_x=False, log_y=False, view_proc=self.viewLogG1G2tandelta, n=3, snames=["log(G'(w))", "log(G''(w)),log(tan(delta))"], ) # set multiviews self.nplots = 1 self.multiviews = [] for i in range(self.nplot_max): # set views in the same order as declared above self.multiviews.append(list(self.views.values())[i]) self.multiplots.reorg_fig(self.nplots) # FILES ftype = TXTColumnFile( "LVE files", "tts", "LVE files", ["w", "G'", "G''"], ["Mw", "T"], ["rad/s", "Pa", "Pa"], ) self.filetypes[ftype.extension] = ftype self.filetypes["osc"] = TXTColumnFile( "OSC files", "osc", "Small-angle oscillatory masurements from the Rheometer", ["w", "G'", "G''"], ["Mw", "T"], ["rad/s", "Pa", "Pa"], ) self.filetypes["xlsx"] = ExcelFile( "Excel files", "xlsx", "Excel File", ["w", "G'", "G''"], [], ["rad/s", "Pa", "Pa"], ) # THEORIES self.theories[TheoryMaxwellModesFrequency.thname] = TheoryMaxwellModesFrequency self.theories[TheoryLikhtmanMcLeish2002.thname] = TheoryLikhtmanMcLeish2002 self.theories[TheoryCarreauYasuda.thname] = TheoryCarreauYasuda self.theories[TheoryDSMLinear.thname] = TheoryDSMLinear self.theories[TheoryRouseFrequency.thname] = TheoryRouseFrequency self.theories[TheoryDTDStarsFreq.thname] = TheoryDTDStarsFreq self.theories[TheoryBobLVE.thname] = TheoryBobLVE self.theories[TheoryRDPLVE.thname] = TheoryRDPLVE self.theories[TheoryStickyReptation.thname] = TheoryStickyReptation self.theories[ TheoryShanbhagMaxwellModesFrequency.thname ] = TheoryShanbhagMaxwellModesFrequency self.add_common_theories() # set the current view self.set_views()
[docs] def viewLogG1G2(self, dt, file_parameters): """Logarithm of the storage modulus :math:`\\log(G'(\\omega))` and loss modulus :math:`\\log(G''(\\omega))` vs :math:`\\log(\\omega)`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 2)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 2)) x[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 0]) x[:, 1] = np.log10([:, 0]) y[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 1]) y[:, 1] = np.log10([:, 2]) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewG1G2(self, dt, file_parameters): """Storage modulus :math:`G'(\\omega)` and loss modulus :math:`G''(\\omega)` (in logarithmic scale) vs :math:`\\omega` (in logarithmic scale)""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 2)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 2)) x[:, 0] =[:, 0] x[:, 1] =[:, 0] y[:, 0] =[:, 1] y[:, 1] =[:, 2] return x, y, True
[docs] def viewEtaStar(self, dt, file_parameters): """Complex viscosity :math:`\\eta^*(\\omega) = \\sqrt{G'^2 + G''^2}/\\omega` (in logarithmic scale) vs :math:`\\omega` (in logarithmic scale)""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] =[:, 0] y[:, 0] = np.sqrt([:, 1] ** 2 +[:, 2] ** 2) /[:, 0] return x, y, True
[docs] def viewLogEtaStar(self, dt, file_parameters): """Logarithm of the complex viscosity :math:`\\eta^*(\\omega) = \\sqrt{G'^2 + G''^2}/\\omega` vs :math:`\\log(\\omega)`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 0]) y[:, 0] = np.log10( np.sqrt([:, 1] ** 2 +[:, 2] ** 2) /[:, 0] ) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewDelta(self, dt, file_parameters): """Loss or phase angle :math:`\\delta(\\omega)=\\arctan(G''/G')\\cdot 180/\\pi` (in degrees, in logarithmic scale) vs :math:`\\omega` (in logarithmic scale)""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] =[:, 0] y[:, 0] = np.arctan2([:, 2],[:, 1]) * 180 / np.pi return x, y, True
[docs] def viewTanDelta(self, dt, file_parameters): """Tangent of the phase angle :math:`\\tan(\\delta(\\omega))=G''/G'` (in logarithmic scale) vs :math:`\\omega` (in logarithmic scale)""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] =[:, 0] y[:, 0] =[:, 2] /[:, 1] return x, y, True
[docs] def viewLogTanDelta(self, dt, file_parameters): """:math:`\\log(\\tan(\\delta(\\omega)))=\\log(G''/G')` vs :math:`\\log(\\omega)`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 0]) y[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 2] /[:, 1]) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewLogGstar(self, dt, file_parameters): """Logarithm of the modulus of the complex viscosity :math:`|G^*(\\omega)|=\\sqrt{G'^2+G''^2}` vs :math:`\\log(\\omega)`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 0]) y[:, 0] = np.log10(np.sqrt(np.square([:, 1]) + np.square([:, 2]))) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewLogtandeltaGstar(self, dt, file_parameters): """Logarithm of the tangent of the loss angle :math:`\\tan(\\delta(\\omega))=G''/G'` vs logarithm of the modulus of the complex viscosity :math:`|G^*(\\omega)|=\\sqrt{G'^2+G''^2}`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] = np.log10(np.sqrt(np.square([:, 1]) + np.square([:, 2]))) y[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 2] /[:, 1]) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewdeltatanGstar(self, dt, file_parameters): """Loss angle :math:`\\delta(\\omega)=\\arctan(G''/G')` vs logarithm of the modulus of the complex viscosity :math:`|G^*(\\omega)|=\\sqrt{G'^2+G''^2}`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] = np.log10(np.sqrt(np.square([:, 1]) + np.square([:, 2]))) y[:, 0] = np.arctan2([:, 2],[:, 1]) * 180 / np.pi return x, y, True
[docs] def viewJ1J2(self, dt, file_parameters): """Storage compliance :math:`J'(\\omega)=G'/(G'^2+G''^2)` and loss compliance :math:`J''(\\omega)=G''/(G'^2+G''^2)` (in logarithmic scale) vs :math:`\\omega` (in logarithmic scale)""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 2)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 2)) x[:, 0] =[:, 0] x[:, 1] =[:, 0] y[:, 0] =[:, 1] / (np.square([:, 1]) + np.square([:, 2])) y[:, 1] =[:, 2] / (np.square([:, 1]) + np.square([:, 2])) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewColeCole(self, dt, file_parameters): """Cole-Cole plot: out of phase viscosity :math:`\\eta''(\\omega)=G'(\\omega)/\\omega` vs dynamic viscosity :math:`\\eta'(\\omega)=G''(\\omega)/\\omega`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] =[:, 2] /[:, 0] y[:, 0] =[:, 1] /[:, 0] return x, y, True
[docs] def viewLogG1(self, dt, file_parameters): """Logarithm of the storage modulus :math:`\\log(G'(\\omega))` vs :math:`\\log(\\omega)`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 0]) y[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 1]) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewG1(self, dt, file_parameters): """Storage modulus :math:`G'(\\omega)` (in logarithmic scale) vs :math:`\\omega` (in logarithmic scale)""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] =[:, 0] y[:, 0] =[:, 1] return x, y, True
[docs] def viewLogG2(self, dt, file_parameters): """Logarithm of the loss modulus :math:`\\log(G''(\\omega))` vs :math:`\\log(\\omega)`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 0]) y[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 2]) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewG2(self, dt, file_parameters): """Loss modulus :math:`G''(\\omega)` (in logarithmic scale) vs :math:`\\omega` (in logarithmic scale)""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] =[:, 0] y[:, 0] =[:, 2] return x, y, True
[docs] def viewLogG1G2tandelta(self, dt, file_parameters): """Logarithm of the storage modulus :math:`\\log(G'(\\omega))`, loss modulus :math:`\\log(G''(\\omega))` and tangent of the loss angle :math:`\\log(\\tan(\\delta(\\omega)))=\\log(G''/G')` vs :math:`\\log(\\omega)`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 3)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 3)) x[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 0]) x[:, 1] = np.log10([:, 0]) x[:, 2] = np.log10([:, 0]) y[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 1]) y[:, 1] = np.log10([:, 2]) y[:, 2] = np.log10([:, 2] /[:, 1]) return x, y, True