Source code for RepTate.applications.ApplicationNLVE

# RepTate: Rheology of Entangled Polymers: Toolkit for the Analysis of Theory and Experiments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors:
#     Jorge Ramirez,
#     Victor Boudara,
# Useful links:
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# Copyright (2017-2023): Jorge Ramirez, Victor Boudara, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Leeds
# This file is part of RepTate.
# RepTate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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"""Module ApplicationNLVE

Module for handling data from start up of shear and extensional flow experiments.

from RepTate.gui.QApplicationWindow import QApplicationWindow
from RepTate.core.View import View
from RepTate.core.FileType import TXTColumnFile
import numpy as np

[docs] class ApplicationNLVE(QApplicationWindow): """Application to Analyze Start up of Nonlinear flow""" appname = "NLVE" description = "Non-Linear Flow" extension = "shear uext" html_help_file = "" def __init__(self, name="NLVE", parent=None): """**Constructor**""" from RepTate.theories.TheoryRoliePoly import TheoryRoliePoly from RepTate.theories.TheoryUCM import TheoryUCM from RepTate.theories.TheoryGiesekus import TheoryGiesekus from RepTate.theories.TheoryPomPom import TheoryPomPom from RepTate.theories.TheoryRolieDoublePoly import TheoryRolieDoublePoly from RepTate.theories.TheoryBobNLVE import TheoryBobNLVE from RepTate.theories.TheoryPETS import TheoryPETS from RepTate.theories.TheorySCCR import TheorySCCR super().__init__(name, parent) # VIEWS self.views["log(eta(t))"] = View( name="log(eta(t))", description="log transient viscosity", x_label="log(t)", y_label="log($\eta^+$)", x_units="s", y_units="Pa$\cdot$s", log_x=False, log_y=False, view_proc=self.viewLogeta, n=1, snames=["log(eta)"], ) self.views["eta(t)"] = View( name="eta(t)", description="transient viscosity", x_label="t", y_label=r"$\eta^+$", x_units="s", y_units=r"Pa$\cdot$s", log_x=True, log_y=True, view_proc=self.vieweta, n=1, snames=["eta"], ) self.views["log(sigma(gamma))"] = View( name="log(sigma(gamma))", description="log transient shear stress vs gamma", x_label=r"log($\gamma$)", y_label=r"log($\sigma^+$)", x_units="-", y_units="Pa", log_x=False, log_y=False, view_proc=self.viewLogSigmaGamma, n=1, snames=["log(sigma)"], ) self.views["sigma(gamma)"] = View( name="sigma(gamma)", description="transient shear stress vs gamma", x_label=r"$\gamma$", y_label=r"$\sigma^+$", x_units="-", y_units="Pa", log_x=False, log_y=False, view_proc=self.viewSigmaGamma, n=1, snames=["sigma"], ) self.views["log(sigma(t))"] = View( name="log(sigma(t))", description="log transient shear stress vs time", x_label="log(t)", y_label=r"log($\sigma^+$)", x_units="s", y_units="Pa", log_x=False, log_y=False, view_proc=self.viewLogSigmaTime, n=1, snames=["log(sigma)"], ) self.views["sigma(t)"] = View( name="sigma(t)", description="transient shear stress vs time", x_label="t", y_label=r"$\sigma^+$", x_units="s", y_units="Pa", log_x=False, log_y=False, view_proc=self.viewSigmaTime, n=1, snames=["sigma"], ) self.views["Flow Curve"] = View( name="Flow Curve", description="Steady state stress vs flow rate", x_label="Flow rate", y_label=r"$\sigma$", x_units=r"s$^{-1}$", y_units="Pa", log_x=True, log_y=True, view_proc=self.view_flowcurve, n=1, snames=["sigma"], with_thline=False, filled=True, ) # set multiviews self.nplots = 1 self.multiviews = [] for i in range(self.nplot_max): # set views in the same order as declared above self.multiviews.append(list(self.views.values())[i]) self.multiplots.reorg_fig(self.nplots) # FILES ftype = TXTColumnFile( "Start-up of shear flow", "shear", "Shear flow files", ["t", "sigma_xy", "N1", "gdot"], ["gdot", "T"], ["s", "Pa", "Pa", "s-1"], ) self.filetypes[ftype.extension] = ftype ftype = TXTColumnFile( "Elongation flow", "uext", "Elongation flow files", ["t", "N1", "gdot"], ["gdot", "T"], ["s", "Pa", "s-1"], ) self.filetypes[ftype.extension] = ftype # THEORIES self.theories[TheoryRoliePoly.thname] = TheoryRoliePoly self.theories[TheoryUCM.thname] = TheoryUCM self.theories[TheoryGiesekus.thname] = TheoryGiesekus self.theories[TheoryPomPom.thname] = TheoryPomPom self.theories[TheoryRolieDoublePoly.thname] = TheoryRolieDoublePoly self.theories[TheoryBobNLVE.thname] = TheoryBobNLVE self.theories[TheoryPETS.thname] = TheoryPETS self.theories[TheorySCCR.thname] = TheorySCCR self.add_common_theories() # set the current view self.set_views()
[docs] def viewLogeta(self, dt, file_parameters): """Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional viscosity (depending on the experiment) :math:`\\eta(t)` vs logarithm of time :math:`t`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 0]) try: flow_rate = float(file_parameters["gdot"]) except: flow_rate = float(file_parameters["edot"]) y[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 1] / flow_rate) return x, y, True
[docs] def vieweta(self, dt, file_parameters): """Transient shear or extensional viscosity (depending on the experiment) :math:`\\eta(t)` vs time :math:`t` (both axes in logarithmic scale by default)""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] =[:, 0] try: flow_rate = float(file_parameters["gdot"]) except: flow_rate = float(file_parameters["edot"]) y[:, 0] =[:, 1] / flow_rate return x, y, True
[docs] def viewLogSigmaTime(self, dt, file_parameters): """Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) :math:`\\sigma(t)` vs logarithm of time :math:`t`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 0]) y[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 1]) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewSigmaTime(self, dt, file_parameters): """Transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) :math:`\\sigma(t)` vs time :math:`t`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) x[:, 0] =[:, 0] y[:, 0] =[:, 1] return x, y, True
[docs] def viewLogSigmaGamma(self, dt, file_parameters): """Logarithm of the transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) :math:`\\sigma(t)` vs logarithm of the strain :math:`\\gamma`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) try: flow_rate = float(file_parameters["gdot"]) except: flow_rate = float(file_parameters["edot"]) x[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 0] * flow_rate) # compute strain y[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 1]) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewSigmaGamma(self, dt, file_parameters): """Transient shear or extensional stress (depending on the experiment) :math:`\\sigma(t)` vs strain :math:`\\gamma`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) try: flow_rate = float(file_parameters["gdot"]) except: flow_rate = float(file_parameters["edot"]) x[:, 0] =[:, 0] * flow_rate # compute strain y[:, 0] =[:, 1] return x, y, True
[docs] def view_flowcurve(self, dt, file_parameters): """:math:`\\sigma(t_{\\to\\infty})` vs flow rate""" try: flow_rate = float(file_parameters["gdot"]) except KeyError: flow_rate = float(file_parameters["edot"]) x = np.zeros((1, 1)) y = np.zeros((1, 1)) x[0, 0] = flow_rate y[0, 0] =[-1, 1] return x, y, True