Rouse Time¶
Fit Rouse modes to a time dependent relaxation function
- Function
Continuous Rouse model (valid for “large” \(N\)):
\[G(t) = G_0 \dfrac 1 N \sum_{p=1}^N \exp\left(\dfrac{-2p^2t}{N^2\tau_0}\right)\]
- Parameters
\(G_0 = ck_\mathrm B T\): “modulus”
\(\tau_0\): relaxation time of an elementary segment
\(M_0\): molar mass of an elementary segment
- where
\(c\): number of segments per unit volume
\(k_\mathrm B\): Boltzmann constant
\(T\): temperature
\(N=M_w/M_0\): number of segments par chain
\(M_w\): weight-average molecular mass