============================== General Description of RepTate ============================== .. contents:: Contents :local: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 RepTate (Rheology of Entangled Polymers: Toolkit for Analysis of Theory & Experiment) is a software package for viewing, exchanging and analysing experimental data. Several of the classical and latest theories of polymer dynamics are included in RepTate, so they can be tested and fitted to the experimental data. The software is designed in a modular way, so it is easy to extend to analyze new types of data and fit with new theories. RepTate makes extensive use of the following packages and libraries: - Matplotlib: Text :cite:`General-Hunter_2007`. - Scipy: Text :cite:`General-Jones_2018`. - Numpy: Text :cite:`General-Oliphant_2006`. - Qt and Pyqt: Text :cite:`General-Pyqt_2018`, Text :cite:`General-Qt_2018`. .. include:: MainWindow.rst .. include:: DataSet.rst .. include:: View.rst .. include:: Datainspection.rst .. include:: Theory.rst .. include:: Tools.rst .. include:: Projects.rst .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: bibliography.bib :style: unsrt :keyprefix: General-