========================= Tutorial Rolie-Poly ========================= .. |logo| image:: /app_logo/NLVE.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |logoLVE| image:: /app_logo/LVE.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |import_modes| image:: /gui_icons/icons8-broadcasting.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |einstein| image:: /gui_icons/icons8-einstein.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |fit| image:: /gui_icons/icons8-minimum-value.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |calculate| image:: /gui_icons/icons8-abacus.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |eye| image:: /gui_icons/icons8-visible.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |no_fene| image:: /gui_icons/icons8-infinite.png :height: 15pt :align: bottom .. |fene| image:: /gui_icons/icons8-facebook-f.png :height: 15pt :align: bottom .. |th_select| image:: images/RP_theory.png :height: 15pt :align: bottom .. |maxwell| image:: images/select_Maxwell.png :height: 15pt :align: bottom .. |get_modes| image:: images/get_modes.png :height: 45pt :align: bottom .. |nstretch| image:: images/nstretch.png :height: 15pt :align: bottom **Non-Linear flow prediction** #. Start RepTate and create a new NLVE Application |logo|: .. image:: images/new_NLVE.png :width: 75% :align: center :alt: New application #. Drag and drop shear (``.shear``) or uniaxial extension (``.uext``) data files, e.g. all the ``.uext`` files from the folder ``data/DOW/Non-Linear_Rheology/Start-up_extension/``. The first column of the file should contain the time and the second column the stress (shear, or tensile, stress growth function). .. image:: images/load_uext_data.png :width: 75% :align: center :alt: Load data #. Select the "RoliePoly" theory |th_select| and press |einstein| to create it. .. image:: images/new_RP_th.png :width: 75% :align: center :alt: New theory At this point, you need to setup the relaxation times, :math:`\tau_i`, and weights, :math:`g_i`, for each mode :math:`i`. You can: - Input them manually by clicking: .. image:: images/edit_modes.png :width: 100pt :align: center :alt: Edit modes then select the number of modes, enter the values and click "OK", then "Minimize Error" |fit|. - Alternatively, it is possible to copy the values from a file or spreadsheet from and external program and paste the values into the "Edit Modes" table. Note that you should adjust the number of modes before pasting the values. - Obtain the Maxwell modes from a different RepTate application (LVE, TTS, G(t)). **In this tutorial we will import Maxwell modes from a LVE application.** #. Create a new LVE Application |logoLVE| and open the linear viscoelastic data file corresponding to the **same sample** at the **same temperature**. We use the file ``data/DOW/Linear_Rheology_TTS/DOWLDPEL150R_160C.tts``. Then, we create a new Maxwell theory |maxwell| and "Minimize Error" |fit|: .. image:: images/LVE_for_NLVE.png :width: 75% :align: center :alt: LVE for NLVE #. Return to the NLVE application and now click |import_modes|. We want to import the 6 Maxwell modes of the "LVE2" app. Select from which theory you want to import the modes |get_modes| and click "OK". Then click "Minimize Error" |fit| to find the best values for the ``tauR`` parameters: .. image:: images/RP_predictions.png :width: 75% :align: center :alt: Theory prediction #. Click the |eye| button to show (or hide) the linear viscoelastic envelope prediction: .. image:: images/with_LVE.png :width: 75% :align: center :alt: Show LVE #. The number of stretching modes is given by |nstretch|. :math:`N_\text{stretch}=0` means that the non-stretching version of the Rolie-Poly model will be used for all modes. See :ref:`RoliePoly_equation-label` for more details. So far, the calculations were done using "infinitely stretching chains" |no_fene|. Click that button to use finite extensibility |fene|. The maximum extensibility parameter ``lmax`` is now present in the parameter table. You can change its value and click "calculate" |calculate| to update the theory predictions: .. image:: images/with_fene.png :width: 75% :align: center :alt: With fene