============ LVE Tutorial ============ .. contents:: Contents :local: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 .. |logo| image:: /app_logo/LVE.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |einstein| image:: /gui_icons/icons8-einstein.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |calculate| image:: /gui_icons/icons8-abacus.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |fit| image:: /gui_icons/icons8-minimum-value.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |th_save| image:: /gui_icons/icons8-save_TH.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |theory| image:: images/theory_LML.png :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |theory_bob| image:: images/bob_theory.png :height: 20pt :align: bottom .. |dummy| image:: images/add_dummy.png :height: 30pt :align: bottom ----------------------- Likhtman-McLeish theory ----------------------- #. Start RepTate and create a new LVE Application |logo|: .. image:: images/open_LVE_app.png :width: 75% :align: center :alt: New application #. Drag and drop a file(s) with a ``.tts`` extension, e.g. the set of ``PI_**k_T-35.tts`` files in the ``data/PI_LINEAR/`` folder, with molecular weight from "13.5k" to "1131k". See :ref:`LVE_Data_Description` for a description of the data file organization. .. image:: images/open_files.png :width: 75% :align: center :alt: Load data #. Select a theory, e.g. "Likthman-McLeish" |theory|, and press |einstein| to create it (calculation is done with default parameter values). Press "Minimize Error" |fit|. .. image:: images/new_theory.png :width: 75% :align: center :alt: New theory #. To save the theory line(s), click the |th_save| button. ------------------- BOB LVE predictions ------------------- BOB LVE uses a "polyconf" file, which contains information on the polymer architectures. The "polyconf" files must carry a ``.dat``. They can be generated by theories in the React application in RepTate or by BOB software (Chinmay Das and Daniel Read) outside RepTate (``_). #. Start RepTate and create a new LVE Application |logo|: .. image:: images/open_LVE_app.png :width: 75% :align: center :alt: New application #. Drag and drop a file with a ``.tts`` extension (see :ref:`LVE_Data_Description`) OR add a dummy file if you do not have data corresponding to the "polyconf" file by clicking |dummy|, which brings the following dialog. .. image:: images/dummy_dialog.png :width: 60% :align: center :alt: new files .. note:: The xrange of BOB predictions will correspond exactly to the xrange of the (dummy) file. #. Select BOB theory, |theory_bob|, and press |einstein| to create it. Then press "Calculate" |calculate|. The following dialog appears, where, from top to bottom, we can select: - the "polyconf" file (with a ``.dat`` extension) - the maximum number of polymers - the maximum total number of arms (segments attached to a branch point) - ``alpha``: the tube dilatation exponent - ``M0``: the molar mass of a monomer - ``Ne``: the number of monomers in an entanglement segment - the mass density of the polymer - the entanglement relaxation time - the temperature .. image:: images/BOB_dialog.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: BOB_dialog .. hint:: Click the "Help" button to show the original documentation of BOB v2.3 by Chinmay Das. #. Click "OK" to launch the calculations of the linear rheology. In the theory text-box, you will find informations related to BOB simulation parameters and to the topology of the polymers found in the "polyconf" file.