Source code for RepTate.theories.TheorySmoothPolyStrand

# RepTate: Rheology of Entangled Polymers: Toolkit for the Analysis of Theory and Experiments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors:
#     Jorge Ramirez,
#     Victor Boudara,
# Useful links:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (2017-2023): Jorge Ramirez, Victor Boudara, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Leeds
# This file is part of RepTate.
# RepTate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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"""Module TheorySmoothPolyStrand

Module for the Smooth Poly STRAND model of polymer FIC (uses the Rolie-Double-Poly theory for the non-linear flow of entangled polymers).

import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from RepTate.core.Parameter import Parameter, ParameterType, OptType
from RepTate.gui.QTheory import QTheory, EndComputationRequested
from RepTate.core.DataTable import DataTable
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QToolBar, QToolButton, QMenu, QMessageBox, QFileDialog
from PySide6.QtCore import QSize
from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon
from RepTate.gui.Theory_rc import *
from math import sqrt
import time
import RepTate

import RepTate.theories.rp_blend_ctypes_helper as rpch
import RepTate.theories.QuiescentSmoothStrand as QuiescentSmoothStrand
from collections import OrderedDict

import RepTate.theories.SmoothPolySTRAND as SmoothPolySTRAND
import RepTate.theories.SchneiderRate as SchneiderRate
import RepTate.theories.timeArraySplit as timeArraySplit
from RepTate.theories.theory_helpers import FlowMode, EditModesVolFractionsDialog, FeneMode, GcorrMode, NoquMode, SingleSpeciesMode, Dilution, EditMWDDialog, GetMwdRepTate

[docs] class TheorySmoothPolyStrand(QTheory): """Smooth-polyStrand model for flow-induced crystallisation in polydisperse melts of entangled linear polymers * **Rheological model: The Rolie-Double-Poly model** Evolution of chain structure under flow is computed by the Rolie-Double-Poly model. Implementation and parameters are the same as in the NVLE application. .. math:: \\boldsymbol \\sigma = G_N^0 \\sum_i g(Z_{\\text{eff},i}) \\text{fene}(\\lambda_i) \\phi_i \\boldsymbol A_i where .. math:: \\boldsymbol A_i &= \\sum_j \\phi_j \\boldsymbol A_{ij}\\\\ \\lambda_i &= \\left( \\dfrac{\\text{Tr} \\boldsymbol A_i}{3} \\right)^{1/2}\\\\ \\stackrel{\\nabla}{\\boldsymbol A_{ij}} &= -\\dfrac{1}{\\tau_{\\mathrm d,i}} (\\boldsymbol A_{ij} - \\boldsymbol I) -\\dfrac{2}{\\tau_{\\mathrm s,i}} \\dfrac{\\lambda_i - 1}{\\lambda_i} \\boldsymbol A_{ij} -\\left( \\dfrac{\\beta_\\text{th}}{\\tau_{\\mathrm d,j}} + \\beta_\\text{CCR}\\dfrac{2}{\\tau_{\\mathrm s,j}} \\dfrac{\\lambda_j - 1}{\\lambda_j}\\lambda_i^{2\\delta} \\right) (\\boldsymbol A_{ij} - \\boldsymbol I)\\\\ \\text{fene}(\\lambda) &= \\dfrac{1-1/\\lambda_\\text{max}^2}{1-\\lambda^2/\\lambda_\\text{max}^2} with :math:`\\beta_\\text{th}` the thermal constrain release parameter, set to 1. If the "modulus correction" button is pressed, :math:`g(z) = 1- \\dfrac{c_1}{z^{1/2}} + \\dfrac{c_2}{z} + \\dfrac{c_3}{z^{3/2}}` is the Likhtman-McLeish CLF correction function to the modulus (:math:`c_1=1.69`, :math:`c_2=2`, :math:`c_3=-1.24`), :math:`g(z) = 1` otherwise; :math:`Z_{\\text{eff},i}=Z_i\\phi_{\\text{dil},i}` is the effective entanglement number of the molecular weight component :math:`i`, and :math:`\\phi_{\\text{dil},i}` the dilution factor (:math:`\\phi_{\\text{dil},i}\\leq \\phi_i`). * **Nucleation model: The smooth-polyStrand model** This model takes the stress output from the Rolie-Double-Poly model for each mode, computes the flow-induced nucleation rate, using the Kuhn segment nematic order as the order parameter. -Neglect quiescent nucleation button: this subtracts the quiescent nucleation rate and assumes all quiescent nucleation occurs from hetrogeneous nuclei. -Average to single species button: this preaverages the chain configuration over all species in the melt and computes the nucleation rate with a single species based on this average. * **Crystal evolution model: The Schneider rate equations** From the computed nucleation rate and the crystal growth rate, the model computes the evolution of total crystallinity using the Schneider rate equations [W. Schneider, A. Koppl, and J. Berger, Int. Polym. Proc.II 3, 151 (1988)]. This calculatiom uses the Avrami expression to account approximately for impingement. * **Parameters** Rheological - ``GN0`` :math:`\\equiv G_N^0`: Plateau modulus - ``beta`` :math:`\\equiv\\beta_\\text{CCR}`: Rolie-Poly CCR parameter - ``delta`` :math:`\\equiv\\delta`: Rolie-Poly CCR exponent - ``phi_i`` :math:`\\equiv\\phi_i`: Volume fraction of species :math:`i` - ``tauD_i`` :math:`\\equiv\\tau_{\\mathrm d,i}`: Reptation time of species :math:`i` (including CLF) - ``tauR_i`` :math:`\\equiv\\tau_{\\mathrm s,i}`: Stretch relaxation time of species :math:`i` - ``lmax`` :math:`\\equiv\\lambda_\\text{max}`: Maximum stretch ratio (active only when the "fene button" is pressed) - ``Ne`` :math:`\\equiv N_e`: Number of Kuhn steps between entanglements Quiescient Crystallisation - ``epsilonB`` :math:`\\equiv \epsilon_B`: Bulk free energy gain of crystallisation per Kuhn step [dimensionless] - ``muS`` :math:`\\equiv \mu_S`: Nucleus surface area cost [dimensionless] - ``tau0`` :math:`\\equiv \\tau_0`: Kuhn step nucleation timescale [sec] - ``rhoK`` :math:`\\equiv \\rho_K`: Kuhn step density [:math:`\mu\mathrm{m}^{-3}`] - ``G_C`` :math:`\\equiv G_C`: Crystal growth rate [:math:`\\mu\mathrm{m/sec}`] - ``N_0`` :math:`\\equiv N_0`: Heterogeneous nucleation density [:math:`\mu\mathrm{m}^{-3}`] Flow-induced crystallisation - ``Gamma`` :math:`\\equiv \Gamma`: Prefactor connecting the Kuhn segment nematic order and the monomer entropy loss [dimensionless]. - ``Kappa0`` :math:`\\equiv \kappa _0`: Free energy penalty for the nucleus surface roughness [dimensionless]. - ``Qs0`` :math:`\\equiv Q_{s0}`: Parameter setting the volume of the search region for new stems joining the nucleus [dimensionless]. """ thname = "Smooth-polySTRAND" description = "Smooth-polySTRAND model for flow-induced nucleation" citations = ["D.J. Read et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 147802 (2020)"] doi = [""] html_help_file = '' single_file = False def __init__(self, name="", parent_dataset=None, axarr=None): """**Constructor**""" super().__init__(name, parent_dataset, axarr) self.function = self.RolieDoublePoly_Crystal self.has_modes = True self.autocalculate = False self.parameters['Gamma'] = Parameter( name='Gamma', value=1, description='Order parameter prefactor', type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt) self.parameters['Kappa0'] = Parameter( name='Kappa0', value=0.1, description='Nucleus roughness penalty', type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt) self.parameters['Qs0'] = Parameter( name='Qs0', value=30, description='Stem search volume parameter', type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt) self.parameters['Ne'] = Parameter( name='Ne', value=25, description='Monomers between entanglements', type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt) self.parameters['epsilonB'] = Parameter( name='epsilonB', value=0.044, description='Bulk free energy per monomer', type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt) self.parameters['muS'] = Parameter( name='muS', value=0.94, description='Surface area energy', type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt) self.parameters['tau0'] = Parameter( name='tau0', value=0.74E-9, description='Monomer attachment time', type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt) self.parameters['rhoK'] = Parameter( name='rhoK', value=2.7E9, description='Kuhn step density', type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt) self.parameters['G_C'] = Parameter( name='G_C', value=0.063, description='Crystal growth rate', type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt) self.parameters['N_0'] = Parameter( name='N_0', value=0.0, description='Hetrogeneous nucleation density', type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt) self.parameters["beta"] = Parameter( name="beta", value=1, description="CCR coefficient", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt) self.parameters["delta"] = Parameter( name="delta", value=-0.5, description="CCR exponent", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt) self.parameters["lmax"] = Parameter( name="lmax", value=10.0, description="Maximum extensibility", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt, display_flag=False, min_value=1.01) self.parameters["nmodes"] = Parameter( name="nmodes", value=2, description="Number of modes", type=ParameterType.integer, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=False) self.parameters["GN0"] = Parameter( name="GN0", value=1000.0, description="Plateau modulus", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, min_value=0) self.parameters["Me"] = Parameter( name="Me", value=1e4, description="Entanglement molecular mass", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, min_value=0, display_flag=False) self.parameters["tau_e"] = Parameter( name="tau_e", value=0.01, description="Entanglement relaxation time", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, min_value=0, display_flag=False) nmode = self.parameters["nmodes"].value for i in range(nmode): self.parameters["phi%02d" % i] = Parameter( name="phi%02d" % i, value=1. / nmode, description="Volume fraction of mode %02d" % i, type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt, display_flag=False, min_value=0) self.parameters["tauD%02d" % i] = Parameter( name="tauD%02d" % i, value=100.0, description="Terminal time of mode %02d" % i, type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt, display_flag=False, min_value=0) self.parameters["tauR%02d" % i] = Parameter( name="tauR%02d" % i, value=1, description="Rouse time of mode %02d" % i, type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt, min_value=0) self.view_LVEenvelope = False auxseries =[], [], label='') self.LVEenvelopeseries = auxseries[0] self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_marker('') self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_linestyle('--') self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_visible(self.view_LVEenvelope) self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_color('green') self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_linewidth(5) self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_label('') self.MAX_MODES = 40 self.with_fene = FeneMode.none self.with_gcorr = GcorrMode.none self.with_noqu = NoquMode.none self.with_single = SingleSpeciesMode.none self.Zeff = [] self.MWD_m = [100, 1000] self.MWD_phi = [0.5, 0.5] self.init_flow_mode() # add widgets specific to the theory tb = QToolBar() tb.setIconSize(QSize(24, 24)) self.tbutflow = QToolButton() self.tbutflow.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) menu = QMenu(self) self.shear_flow_action = menu.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icon-shear.png'), "Shear Flow") self.extensional_flow_action = menu.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icon-uext.png'), "Extensional Flow") if self.flow_mode == FlowMode.shear: self.tbutflow.setDefaultAction(self.shear_flow_action) else: self.tbutflow.setDefaultAction(self.extensional_flow_action) self.tbutflow.setMenu(menu) tb.addWidget(self.tbutflow) self.tbutmodes = QToolButton() self.tbutmodes.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) menu = QMenu(self) self.get_modes_action = menu.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-broadcasting.png'), "Get Modes (MWD app)") self.get_modes_data_action = menu.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-broadcasting.png'), "Get Modes (MWD data)") self.edit_modes_action = menu.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-edit-file.png'), "Edit Modes") # self.plot_modes_action = menu.addAction( # QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-scatter-plot.png'), # "Plot Modes") self.save_modes_action = menu.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-save-Maxwell.png'), "Save Modes") self.tbutmodes.setDefaultAction(self.get_modes_action) self.tbutmodes.setMenu(menu) tb.addWidget(self.tbutmodes) # #Show LVE button self.linearenvelope = tb.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/lve-icon.png'), 'Show Linear Envelope') self.linearenvelope.setCheckable(True) self.linearenvelope.setChecked(False) #Finite extensibility button self.with_fene_button = tb.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-infinite.png'), 'Finite Extensibility') self.with_fene_button.setCheckable(True) #Modulus correction button self.with_gcorr_button = tb.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-circled-g-filled.png'), 'Modulus Correction') self.with_gcorr_button.setCheckable(True) #Ignore quiescent button self.with_noqu_button = tb.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-noquiescent.png'), 'Neglect quiescent nucleation') self.with_noqu_button.setCheckable(True) #Single species button self.with_single_button = tb.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-SingleSpecies.png'), 'Average to single species for nucleation') self.with_single_button.setCheckable(True) #Save to flowsolve button self.flowsolve_btn = tb.addAction( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-save-flowsolve.png'), 'Save Parameters To FlowSolve') self.flowsolve_btn.setCheckable(False) self.thToolsLayout.insertWidget(0, tb) connection_id = self.shear_flow_action.triggered.connect( self.select_shear_flow) connection_id = self.extensional_flow_action.triggered.connect( self.select_extensional_flow) connection_id = self.get_modes_action.triggered.connect( self.get_modes_reptate) connection_id = self.get_modes_data_action.triggered.connect( self.edit_mwd_modes) connection_id = self.edit_modes_action.triggered.connect( self.edit_modes_window) # connection_id = self.plot_modes_action.triggered.connect( # self.plot_modes_graph) connection_id = self.linearenvelope.triggered.connect( self.show_linear_envelope) connection_id = self.save_modes_action.triggered.connect( self.save_modes) connection_id = self.with_fene_button.triggered.connect( self.handle_with_fene_button) connection_id = self.with_gcorr_button.triggered.connect( self.handle_with_gcorr_button) connection_id = self.with_noqu_button.triggered.connect( self.handle_with_noqu_button) connection_id = self.with_single_button.triggered.connect( self.handle_with_single_button) # connection_id = self.noqu_button.triggered.connect( # self.handle_with_gcorr_button) connection_id = self.flowsolve_btn.triggered.connect( self.handle_flowsolve_btn)
[docs] def handle_flowsolve_btn(self): """Save theory parameters in FlowSolve format""" #Get filename of RepTate project to open fpath, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save Parameters to FowSolve", os.path.join(RepTate.root_dir, "data"), "FlowSolve (*.fsrep)") if fpath == '': return with open(fpath, 'w') as f: verdata = RepTate._version.get_versions() version = verdata['version'].split('+')[0] date = verdata['date'].split('T')[0] build = verdata['version'] header = '#flowGen input\n' header += '# Generated with RepTate %s %s (build %s)\n' % (version, date, build) header += '# At %s on %s\n' % (time.strftime("%X"), time.strftime("%a %b %d, %Y")) f.write(header) f.write('\n#param global\n') f.write('constit polydisperse\n') # f.write('# or multip (for pompom) or polydisperse (for polydisperse Rolie-Poly)\n') f.write('\n#param constitutive\n') n = self.parameters['nmodes'].value td = np.zeros(n) for i in range(n): td[i] = self.parameters["tauD%02d" % i].value # sort taud ascending order args = np.argsort(td) fraction = 'fraction' taud = 'taud' tauR = 'tauR' lmax = 'lambdaMax' for i, arg in enumerate(args): fraction += ' %.6g' % self.parameters["phi%02d" % arg].value taud += ' %.6g' % self.parameters["tauD%02d" % arg].value tauR += ' %.6g' % self.parameters["tauR%02d" % arg].value lmax += ' %.6g' % self.parameters["lmax"].value f.write('%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (taud, tauR, fraction)) if self.with_fene == FeneMode.with_fene: # don't output lmax at all for infinite ex f.write('%s\n' % lmax) f.write('modulus %.6g\n' % self.parameters["GN0"].value) f.write('beta %.6gn' % self.parameters["beta"].value) f.write('delta %.6g\n' % self.parameters["delta"].value) f.write('\n#end') QMessageBox.information(self, 'Success', 'Wrote FlowSolve parameters in \"%s\"' % fpath)
[docs] def handle_with_gcorr_button(self, checked): if checked: if len(self.Zeff) > 0: # if Zeff contains something self.with_gcorr = GcorrMode.with_gcorr else: self.Qprint( '<font color=orange><b>Modulus correction needs Z from MWD</b></font>' ) self.with_gcorr_button.setChecked(False) return else: self.with_gcorr = GcorrMode.none self.Qprint( '<font color=green><b>Press "Calculate" to update theory</b></font>' )
[docs] def handle_with_noqu_button(self, checked): if checked: self.with_noqu = NoquMode.with_noqu self.with_noqu_button.setChecked(True) else: self.with_noqu = NoquMode.none self.Qprint( '<font color=green><b>Ignore quiescent: Press "Calculate" to update theory</b></font>' )
[docs] def handle_with_single_button(self, checked): if checked: self.with_single = SingleSpeciesMode.with_single self.with_single_button.setChecked(True) else: self.with_single= SingleSpeciesMode.none self.Qprint( '<font color=green><b>Single species: Press "Calculate" to update theory</b></font>' )
[docs] def handle_with_fene_button(self, checked): if checked: self.with_fene = FeneMode.with_fene self.with_fene_button.setChecked(True) self.with_fene_button.setIcon( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-facebook-f.png')) self.parameters["lmax"].display_flag = True self.parameters["lmax"].opt_type = OptType.nopt else: self.with_fene = FeneMode.none self.with_fene_button.setChecked(False) self.with_fene_button.setIcon( QIcon(':/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-infinite.png')) self.parameters["lmax"].display_flag = False self.parameters["lmax"].opt_type = OptType.const self.update_parameter_table() self.Qprint( '<font color=green><b>Press "Calculate" to update theory</b></font>' )
[docs] def Qhide_theory_extras(self, show): """Uncheck the LVE button. Called when curent theory is changed""" if show: self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_visible(self.linearenvelope.isChecked()) else: self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_visible(False) self.parent_dataset.actionMinimize_Error.setDisabled(show) self.parent_dataset.actionShow_Limits.setDisabled(show) self.parent_dataset.actionVertical_Limits.setDisabled(show) self.parent_dataset.actionHorizontal_Limits.setDisabled(show)
[docs] def show_linear_envelope(self, state): self.plot_theory_stuff() self.extra_graphic_visible(state)
# self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_visible(self.linearenvelope.isChecked()) # self.plot_theory_stuff() # self.parent_dataset.parent_application.update_plot()
[docs] def select_shear_flow(self): self.flow_mode = FlowMode.shear self.tbutflow.setDefaultAction(self.shear_flow_action)
[docs] def select_extensional_flow(self): self.flow_mode = FlowMode.uext self.tbutflow.setDefaultAction(self.extensional_flow_action)
[docs] def get_modes_reptate(self): apmng = self.parent_dataset.parent_application.parent_manager get_dict = {} for app in apmng.applications.values(): app_index = apmng.ApplicationtabWidget.indexOf(app) app_tab_name = apmng.ApplicationtabWidget.tabText(app_index) for ds in app.datasets.values(): ds_index = app.DataSettabWidget.indexOf(ds) ds_tab_name = app.DataSettabWidget.tabText(ds_index) for th in ds.theories.values(): th_index = ds.TheorytabWidget.indexOf(th) th_tab_name = ds.TheorytabWidget.tabText(th_index) if th.thname == 'Discretize MWD': get_dict["%s.%s.%s" % (app_tab_name, ds_tab_name, th_tab_name)] = th.get_mwd if get_dict: d = GetMwdRepTate(self, get_dict, 'Select Discretized MWD') if (d.exec_() and d.btngrp.checkedButton() != None): _, success1 = self.set_param_value("tau_e", d.taue_text.text()) _, success2 = self.set_param_value("Me", d.Me_text.text()) if not success1 * success2: self.Qprint("Could not understand Me or taue, try again") return item = d.btngrp.checkedButton().text() m, phi = get_dict[item]() self.MWD_m = np.copy(m) self.MWD_phi = np.copy(phi) self.set_modes_from_mwd(m, phi) else: # no theory Discretise MWD found QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Get MW distribution', 'No \"Discretize MWD\" theory found')
# self.parent_dataset.handle_actionCalculate_Theory()
[docs] def edit_modes_window(self): nmodes = self.parameters["nmodes"].value phi = np.zeros(nmodes) taud = np.zeros(nmodes) taur = np.zeros(nmodes) for i in range(nmodes): phi[i] = self.parameters["phi%02d" % i].value taud[i] = self.parameters["tauD%02d" % i].value taur[i] = self.parameters["tauR%02d" % i].value param_dic = OrderedDict() param_dic["phi"] = phi param_dic["tauD"] = taud param_dic["tauR"] = taur d = EditModesVolFractionsDialog(self, param_dic, self.MAX_MODES) if d.exec_(): nmodes = d.table.rowCount() self.set_param_value("nmodes", nmodes) # self.set_param_value("nstretch", nmodes) success = True for i in range(nmodes): msg, success1 = self.set_param_value("phi%02d" % i, d.table.item(i, 0).text()) msg, success2 = self.set_param_value("tauD%02d" % i, d.table.item(i, 1).text()) msg, success3 = self.set_param_value("tauR%02d" % i, d.table.item(i, 2).text()) success *= success1 * success2 * success3 if not success: QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Error', 'Some parameter(s) could not be updated.\nPlease try again.' ) else: self.handle_actionCalculate_Theory()
[docs] def edit_mwd_modes(self): d = EditMWDDialog(self, self.MWD_m, self.MWD_phi, 200) if d.exec_(): nmodes = d.table.rowCount() m = [] phi = [] _, success1 = self.set_param_value("tau_e", d.taue_text.text()) _, success2 = self.set_param_value("Me", d.Me_text.text()) if not success1 * success2: self.Qprint("Could not understand Me or taue, try again") return for i in range(nmodes): try: m.append(float(d.table.item(i, 0).text())) phi.append(float(d.table.item(i, 1).text())) except ValueError: self.Qprint("Could not understand line %d, try again" % (i + 1)) return self.MWD_m = np.copy(m) self.MWD_phi = np.copy(phi) self.set_modes_from_mwd(m, phi)
# def plot_modes_graph(self): # pass
[docs] def plot_theory_stuff(self): """Plot theory helpers""" logtmin = np.log10(self.parent_dataset.minpositivecol(0)) logtmax = np.log10(self.parent_dataset.maxcol(0)) + 1 ntimes = int((logtmax - logtmin) * 20) data_table_tmp = DataTable(self.axarr) data_table_tmp.num_columns = 5 data_table_tmp.num_rows = ntimes = np.zeros((ntimes, 5)) times = np.logspace(logtmin, logtmax, ntimes)[:, 0] = times nmodes = self.parameters["nmodes"].value[:, 1] = 0 fparamaux = {"gdot": 1e-8} phi = [] taud = [] for i in range(nmodes): phi.append(self.parameters["phi%02d" % i].value) taud.append(self.parameters["tauD%02d" % i].value) for i in range(nmodes): if self.stop_theory_flag: break G = self.parameters['GN0'].value if self.with_gcorr == GcorrMode.with_gcorr: G = G * self.gZ(self.Zeff[i]) for j in range(nmodes): # TODO: use symetry to reduce number of loops tau = 1. / (1. / taud[i] + 1. / taud[j])[:, 1] += G * phi[i] * phi[j] * fparamaux[ "gdot"] * tau * (1 - np.exp(-times / tau)) if self.flow_mode == FlowMode.uext:[:, 1] *= 3.0 view = self.parent_dataset.parent_application.current_view try: x, y, success = view.view_proc(data_table_tmp, fparamaux) except TypeError as e: print(e) return self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_data(x[:, 0], y[:, 0]) # remove tmp artist form ax for i in range(data_table_tmp.MAX_NUM_SERIES): for nx in range(len(self.axarr)): # self.axarr[nx].lines.remove(data_table_tmp.series[nx][i]) data_table_tmp.series[nx][i].remove()
[docs] def set_extra_data(self, extra_data): """Set extra data when loading project""" self.MWD_m = extra_data['MWD_m'] self.MWD_phi = extra_data['MWD_phi'] self.Zeff = extra_data['Zeff'] # FENE button self.handle_with_fene_button(extra_data['with_fene']) # noqu button self.handle_with_noqu_button(extra_data['with_noqu']) # single species button self.handle_with_single_button(extra_data['with_single']) # G button if extra_data['with_gcorr']: self.with_gcorr == GcorrMode.with_gcorr self.with_gcorr_button.setChecked(True)
[docs] def get_extra_data(self): """Set extra_data when saving project""" self.extra_data['MWD_m'] = self.MWD_m self.extra_data['MWD_phi'] = self.MWD_phi self.extra_data['Zeff'] = self.Zeff self.extra_data['with_fene'] = self.with_fene == FeneMode.with_fene self.extra_data['with_gcorr'] = self.with_gcorr == GcorrMode.with_gcorr self.extra_data['with_noqu'] = self.with_noqu == NoquMode.with_noqu self.extra_data['with_single'] = self.with_single == SingleSpeciesMode.with_single
[docs] def init_flow_mode(self): """Find if data files are shear or extension""" try: f = self.theory_files()[0] if f.file_type.extension == 'shear' or f.file_type.extension == 'shearxs': self.flow_mode = FlowMode.shear else: self.flow_mode = FlowMode.uext except Exception as e: print("in RP init:", e) self.flow_mode = FlowMode.shear #default mode: shear
[docs] def destructor(self): """Called when the theory tab is closed""" self.show_theory_extras(False) # self.LVEenvelopeseries.remove()
[docs] def show_theory_extras(self, show=False): """Called when the active theory is changed""" self.Qhide_theory_extras(show)
# self.extra_graphic_visible(show)
[docs] def extra_graphic_visible(self, state): """Change visibility of theory helpers""" self.view_LVEenvelope = state self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_visible(state) self.parent_dataset.parent_application.update_plot()
[docs] def get_modes(self): """Get the values of Maxwell Modes from this theory""" nmodes = self.parameters["nmodes"].value tau = np.zeros(nmodes) G = np.zeros(nmodes) GN0 = self.parameters["GN0"].value for i in range(nmodes): tau[i] = self.parameters["tauD%02d" % i].value G[i] = GN0 * self.parameters["phi%02d" % i].value return tau, G, True
[docs] def set_modes_from_mwd(self, m, phi): """Set modes from MWD""" Me = self.parameters["Me"].value taue = self.parameters["tau_e"].value res = Dilution(m, phi, taue, Me, self).res if res[0] == False: self.Qprint("Could not set modes from MDW") return _, phi, taus, taud = res nmodes = len(phi) self.set_param_value("nmodes", nmodes) for i in range(nmodes): self.set_param_value("phi%02d" % i, phi[i]) self.set_param_value("tauR%02d" % i, taus[i]) self.set_param_value("tauD%02d" % i, taud[i]) self.Qprint("Got %d modes from MWD" % nmodes) self.update_parameter_table() self.Qprint( '<font color=green><b>Press "Calculate" to update theory</b></font>' )
[docs] def set_modes(self, tau, G): """Set the values of Maxwell Modes from another theory""" nmodes = len(tau) self.set_param_value("nmodes", nmodes) sum_G = G.sum() for i in range(nmodes): self.set_param_value("tauD%02d" % i, tau[i]) self.set_param_value("phi%02d" % i, G[i] / sum_G) self.update_parameter_table() return True
[docs] def fZ(self, z): """CLF correction function Likthman-McLeish (2002)""" return 1 - 2 * 1.69 / sqrt(z) + 4.17 / z - 1.55 / (z * sqrt(z))
[docs] def gZ(self, z): """CLF correction function for modulus Likthman-McLeish (2002)""" return 1 - 1.69 / sqrt(z) + 2.0 / z - 1.24 / (z * sqrt(z))
[docs] def sigmadot_shear(self, sigma, t, p): """Rolie-Poly differential equation under *shear* flow with stretching and finite extensibility if selected""" if self.stop_theory_flag: raise EndComputationRequested tmax = p[-1] if t >= tmax * self.count: self.Qprint("--", end='') self.count += 0.2 # Calling C function: if self.with_fene == FeneMode.with_fene: wfene = 1 else: wfene = 0 return rpch.compute_derivs_shear(sigma, p, t, wfene)
[docs] def sigmadot_uext(self, sigma, t, p): """Rolie-Poly differential equation under *uniaxial elongational* flow with stretching and finite extensibility if selected""" if self.stop_theory_flag: raise EndComputationRequested tmax = p[-1] if t >= tmax * self.count: self.Qprint("--", end='') # self.Qprint("%4d%% done" % (self.count*100)) self.count += 0.2 # Calling C function: if self.with_fene == FeneMode.with_fene: wfene = 1 else: wfene = 0 return rpch.compute_derivs_uext(sigma, p, t, wfene)
[docs] def calculate_fene(self, l_square, lmax): """calculate finite extensibility function value""" ilm2 = 1.0 / (lmax * lmax) # 1/lambda_max^2 l2_lm2 = l_square * ilm2 # (lambda/lambda_max)^2 return (3.0 - l2_lm2) / (1.0 - l2_lm2) * (1.0 - ilm2) / (3.0 - ilm2)
[docs] def computeFel( self, Fxx, Fyy, Fxy): """Converts RDP configurations into a free energy change (via nematic order parameter""" Gamma = self.parameters['Gamma'].value Ne = self.parameters['Ne'].value tmp= Fxx/2 + Fyy/2 + np.sqrt( ((Fxx-Fyy)/2.0)**2 + Fxy**2 ) - 1 return Gamma* tmp/Ne
[docs] def computeQuiescentBarrier( self ): """Calculates the GO model quiescent barrier and nucleation rate""" epsilonB = self.parameters['epsilonB'].value muS = self.parameters['muS'].value rhoK = self.parameters['rhoK'].value tau0 = self.parameters['tau0'].value Kappa0 = self.parameters['Kappa0'].value dN=1 curvature_skip=5 alpha=0.8 #Calculate quiescent barrier landscape = [] landscape.append( 0.0) #0 NT=0 while( landscape[NT]>landscape[NT-1]-0.005): NT += 1 landscape.append(QuiescentSmoothStrand.wholeLandscape(NT, epsilonB,muS, Kappa0) ) if( NT> 10000): self.Qprint( '<font color=green><b>Quiescent barrier does not have \ a maximum below 10,000 monomers - change epsilonB \ and/or muS</b></font>') break #Compute barrier peak and curvature quiescent_height = max(landscape) nStar = landscape.index( quiescent_height) d2Fqstar=(landscape[nStar-curvature_skip]-2*landscape[nStar]+landscape[nStar+curvature_skip]) \ /(curvature_skip**2*dN**2) #Calculate initial slope sumDFq=0.0 for i in range(0, nStar+1): sumDFq += np.exp(-landscape[i]) #Compute the nucleation rate xqtime = (sumDFq*np.exp(quiescent_height)/(2*nStar**0.66666666)) \ *(1+np.sqrt(-2*np.pi/d2Fqstar) \ *np.exp(-(alpha**2)/(2*d2Fqstar*nStar**2)+alpha/nStar)) NqRate = rhoK/tau0/xqtime self.Qprint('Quiescent barrier height=%.3g k<sub>B</sub>T' % quiescent_height) # HTML syntax self.Qprint('Quiescent nucleation rate=%.3g &mu;m<sup>-3</sup>s<sup>-1</sup><br>' % NqRate) # HTML syntax return landscape, NqRate, quiescent_height, nStar
[docs] def RolieDoublePoly_Crystal(self, f=None): """Calculate the theory""" ft = f.data_table tt = self.tables[f.file_name_short] tt.num_columns = ft.num_columns tt.num_rows = ft.num_rows = np.zeros((tt.num_rows, tt.num_columns)) fel = np.zeros((tt.num_rows, self.parameters["nmodes"].value)) felAve = np.zeros((tt.num_rows,1)) Gamma = self.parameters['Gamma'].value epsilonB = self.parameters['epsilonB'].value muS = self.parameters['muS'].value G_C = self.parameters['G_C'].value N_0 = self.parameters['N_0'].value Kappa0 = self.parameters['Kappa0'].value Qs0 = self.parameters['Qs0'].value[:, 0] =[:, 0] #time # ODE solver parameters abserr = 1.0e-8 relerr = 1.0e-8 t =[:, 0] t = np.concatenate([[0], t]) # sigma0 = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] # sxx, syy, sxy beta = self.parameters["beta"].value delta = self.parameters["delta"].value lmax = self.parameters["lmax"].value flow_rate = float(f.file_parameters["gdot"]) tstop = float(f.file_parameters["tstop"]) nmodes = self.parameters["nmodes"].value #flow geometry if self.flow_mode == FlowMode.shear: sigma0 = ([1.0, 1.0, 0.0] * (nmodes * nmodes)) # sxx_ij, syy_ij, sxy_ij pde_stretch = self.sigmadot_shear elif self.flow_mode == FlowMode.uext: sigma0 = ([1.0, 1.0] * (nmodes * nmodes)) # sxx_ij, syy_ij pde_stretch = self.sigmadot_uext else: return taud_arr = [] taus_arr = [] phi_arr = [] for i in range(nmodes): taud_arr.append(self.parameters["tauD%02d" % i].value) taus_arr.append(self.parameters["tauR%02d" % i].value) phi_arr.append(self.parameters["phi%02d" % i].value) tmax = t[-1] p = [ nmodes, lmax, phi_arr, taud_arr, taus_arr, beta, delta, flow_rate, tmax ] self.count = 0.2 self.Qprint('Rate %.3g<br> 0%% ' % flow_rate, end='') if t[-1] < tstop: try: sig = odeint( pde_stretch, sigma0, t, args=(p, ), atol=abserr, rtol=relerr) except EndComputationRequested: return else: #tstop must happen during computation t1,t2=timeArraySplit.timeArraySplit(t,tstop) #solve for t < tmax tmax = t1[-1] p = [ nmodes, lmax, phi_arr, taud_arr, taus_arr, beta, delta, flow_rate, tmax] sig1 = odeint( pde_stretch, sigma0, t1, args=(p, ), atol=abserr, rtol=relerr) #solve for t > tmax tmax = t2[-1] p = [ nmodes, lmax, phi_arr, taud_arr, taus_arr, beta, delta, 0.0, tmax] sig2 = odeint( pde_stretch, sig1[-1], t2, args=(p, ), atol=abserr, rtol=relerr) #Merge two solutions sig=np.concatenate((sig1[:-1],sig2[1:]),0) self.Qprint(' 100%') # sig.shape is (len(t), 3*n^2) in shear if self.flow_mode == FlowMode.shear: c = 3 sig = sig[1:, :] nt = len(sig) lsq = np.zeros((nt, nmodes)) if self.with_fene == FeneMode.with_fene: #calculate lambda^2 for i in range(nmodes): if self.stop_theory_flag: break I = c * nmodes * i trace_arr = np.zeros(nt) for j in range(nmodes): # trace_arr += phi_arr[j] * (sxx_t[:, I + j] + 2 * syy_t[:, I + j]) trace_arr += phi_arr[j] * ( sig[:, I + c * j] + 2 * sig[:, I + c * j + 1]) lsq[:, i] = trace_arr / 3.0 # len(t) rows and n cols for i in range(nmodes): if self.stop_theory_flag: break I = c * nmodes * i sig_i = np.zeros(nt) for j in range(nmodes): sig_i += phi_arr[j] * sig[:, I + c * j + 2] if self.with_fene == FeneMode.with_fene: sig_i *= self.calculate_fene(lsq[:, i], lmax) if self.with_gcorr == GcorrMode.with_gcorr: sig_i *= self.gZ(self.Zeff[i])[:, 1] += phi_arr[i] * sig_i[:, 1] *= self.parameters["GN0"].value if self.flow_mode == FlowMode.uext: # every 2 component we find xx, yy, starting at 0, or 1; and remove t=0 # sxx_t = sig[1:, 0::2] # len(t) - 1 rows and n^2 cols # syy_t = sig[1:, 1::2] # len(t) - 1 rows and n^2 cols # nt = len(sxx_t) c = 2 sig = sig[1:, :] nt = len(sig) lsq = np.zeros((nt, nmodes)) if self.with_fene == FeneMode.with_fene: for i in range(nmodes): if self.stop_theory_flag: break I = c * nmodes * i trace_arr = np.zeros(nt) for j in range(nmodes): trace_arr += phi_arr[j] * ( sig[:, I + c * j] + 2 * sig[:, I + c * j + 1]) lsq[:, i] = trace_arr / 3.0 # len(t) rows and n cols for i in range(nmodes): if self.stop_theory_flag: break I = c * nmodes * i sig_i = np.zeros(nt) for j in range(nmodes): sig_i += phi_arr[j] * ( sig[:, I + c * j] - sig[:, I + c * j + 1]) if self.with_fene == FeneMode.with_fene: sig_i *= self.calculate_fene(lsq[:, i], lmax) if self.with_gcorr == GcorrMode.with_gcorr: sig_i *= self.gZ(self.Zeff[i])[:, 1] += phi_arr[i] * sig_i[:, 1] *= self.parameters["GN0"].value #Extract the configuration of each mode for time in range(nt): total_sss_xx=0.0 total_sss_yy=0.0 total_sss_xy=0.0 for i in range(nmodes): I = c * nmodes * i sss_xx = 0.0 sss_yy = 0.0 sss_xy = 0.0 for j in range(nmodes): sss_xx += phi_arr[j] * sig[time, I + c * j ] sss_yy += phi_arr[j] * sig[time, I + c * j + 1] sss_xy += phi_arr[j] * sig[time, I + c * j + 2] fel[time,i] = self.computeFel(sss_xx , sss_yy , sss_xy) #Compute the total stress for the average stress model total_sss_xx += phi_arr[i] * sss_xx total_sss_yy += phi_arr[i] * sss_yy total_sss_xy += phi_arr[i] * sss_xy felAve[time,0] = self.computeFel(total_sss_xx , total_sss_yy , total_sss_xy) #Compute the quiescent free energy barrier q_barrier, NdotQ, DfStarQ, nStarQ = self.computeQuiescentBarrier() if self.with_noqu == NoquMode.with_noqu: NdotInitial = 0.0 else: NdotInitial = NdotQ #====Compute the flow-induced barrier==== #First setup the concentration q_barrier=np.asarray(q_barrier) if self.with_single == SingleSpeciesMode.with_single: phi = np.asarray([1.0]) else: phi = np.asarray(phi_arr) nspecies=phi.size nStarPrevious = nStarQ+2 #Use the quiescent nstar as an initial guess NSprevious=1.1 Pprevious=0.0 Bprevious=1.0 sumdf=1e5 for i in range(tt.num_rows): #See how much change there is from last time if(i>0): sumdf=0.0 for j in range(nspecies): sumdf += (df[j]-fel[i,j])**2 if(sumdf>1e-12): #Otherwise assume no change from last timestep if self.with_single == SingleSpeciesMode.with_single: df=felAve[i,:] else: df= fel[i,:] params={'NTprevious':nStarPrevious, 'phi':phi, 'df':df, \ 'epsilonB':epsilonB, 'muS':muS, \ 'Kappa0':Kappa0, 'Qs0':Qs0,\ 'NSprevious':NSprevious,\ 'Pprevious':Pprevious,\ 'Bprevious':Bprevious} #DfStarFlow = SmoothPolySTRAND.findDfStar(params) DfStarFlow , nStarPrevious, NSprevious, Pprevious, Bprevious\ = SmoothPolySTRAND.findDfStar_Direct(params) nucRate=NdotQ*np.exp( DfStarQ - DfStarFlow) if self.with_noqu == NoquMode.with_noqu:[i,2]=nucRate - NdotQ if([i,2]<0): if([i,2]/(NdotQ+1e-20)<-0.01): self.Qprint("<font color=red><b>Warning: nucleation rate < 0 !!!</b></font>")[i,2]=0.0 else:[i,2]=nucRate #Now use a spline to interpolate the N_dot data and solve for crystal t =[:,0] Ndot =[:,2] Cry_Evol = SchneiderRate.intSchneider(t, Ndot,NdotInitial,N_0,G_C)[:, 3] = 1.0-np.exp(-Cry_Evol[:,0])#Cry_Evol[:,0] #Phi_X[:, 4] = Cry_Evol[:,3]/8/np.pi #Number of nuclei
[docs] def set_param_value(self, name, value): """Set the value of theory parameters""" if (name == "nmodes"): oldn = self.parameters["nmodes"].value # self.spinbox.setMaximum(int(value)) message, success = super(BaseTheorySmoothPolyStrand, self).set_param_value(name, value) if not success: return message, success if (name == "nmodes"): for i in range(self.parameters["nmodes"].value): self.parameters["phi%02d" % i] = Parameter( name="phi%02d" % i, value=0.0, description="Volume fraction of mode %02d" % i, type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt, display_flag=False, min_value=0) self.parameters["tauD%02d" % i] = Parameter( name="tauD%02d" % i, value=100.0, description="Terminal time of mode %02d" % i, type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt, display_flag=False, min_value=0) self.parameters["tauR%02d" % i] = Parameter( name="tauR%02d" % i, value=1, description="Rouse time of mode %02d" % i, type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt, display_flag=True, min_value=0) if (oldn > self.parameters["nmodes"].value): for i in range(self.parameters["nmodes"].value, oldn): del self.parameters["phi%02d" % i] del self.parameters["tauD%02d" % i] del self.parameters["tauR%02d" % i] return '', True
[docs] def do_fit(self, line): """Minimisation procedure disabled in this theory""" self.Qprint( "<font color=red><b>Minimisation procedure disabled in this theory</b></font>" )