Source code for RepTate.theories.TheoryRetardationModes

# RepTate: Rheology of Entangled Polymers: Toolkit for the Analysis of Theory and Experiments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors:
#     Jorge Ramirez,
#     Victor Boudara,
# Useful links:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (2017-2023): Jorge Ramirez, Victor Boudara, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Leeds
# This file is part of RepTate.
# RepTate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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"""Module TheoryRetardationModes

Module that defines theories related to Retardation modes, in the frequency and time domains.

import numpy as np
from RepTate.core.DataTable import DataTable
from RepTate.core.Parameter import Parameter, ParameterType, OptType
from RepTate.gui.QTheory import QTheory
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QToolBar, QSpinBox
from PySide6.QtCore import QSize
from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon
from RepTate.core.DraggableArtists import DragType, DraggableModesSeries

[docs] class TheoryRetardationModesTime(QTheory): """Fit a discrete Retardation spectrum to time dependent creep data * **Function** .. math:: \\gamma(t) = \\sigma_0 \\left( J_0 + \\sum_{1}^{n_{modes}} J_i \\left[ 1 - \\exp\\left(\\frac{-t}{\\tau_i}\\right) \\right] + \\frac{t}{\\eta_0} \\right) where: - :math:`\\sigma_0`: constant stress applied during the creep experiment. * **Parameters** - :math:`J_0`: Instantaneous compliance (``logJini``, in logarithmic scale). - :math:`\\eta_0`: Terminal viscosity (``logeta0``, in logarithmic scale). - :math:`n_{modes}`: number of Retardation modes equally distributed in logarithmic scale between :math:`t_{min}` and :math:`t_{max}`. - logtmin = :math:`\\log(t_{min})`: decimal logarithm of the minimum time range for the modes. - logtmax = :math:`\\log(t_{max})`: decimal logarithm of the maximum time. - logJi = :math:`\\log(J_{i})`: decimal logarithm of the compliance of Retardation mode :math:`i`. """ thname = "Retardation Modes" description = "Fit Retardation modes to time dependent creep data" citations = [] doi = [] html_help_file = "" single_file = False def __init__(self, name="", parent_dataset=None, ax=None): """**Constructor**""" super().__init__(name, parent_dataset, ax) self.function = self.RetardationModesTime self.has_modes = True self.MAX_MODES = 40 self.view_modes = True tmin = self.parent_dataset.minpositivecol(0) tmax = self.parent_dataset.maxcol(0) nmodes = int(np.round(np.log10(tmax / tmin))) self.parameters["logJini"] = Parameter( "logJini", -4.0, "Log of Instantaneous Compliance", ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt, ) self.parameters["logeta0"] = Parameter( "logeta0", 0.0, "Log of Terminal Viscosity", ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt, ) self.parameters["logtmin"] = Parameter( "logtmin", np.log10(tmin), "Log of time range minimum", ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt, ) self.parameters["logtmax"] = Parameter( "logtmax", np.log10(tmax), "Log of time range maximum", ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt, ) self.parameters["nmodes"] = Parameter( name="nmodes", value=nmodes, description="Number of Retardation modes", type=ParameterType.integer, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=False, ) # Interpolate modes from data try: sigma = float(self.parent_dataset.files[0].file_parameters["stress"]) except (ValueError, KeyError): self.Qprint("Invalid stress value") return tau = np.logspace(np.log10(tmin), np.log10(tmax), nmodes) J = ( np.abs( np.interp( tau, self.parent_dataset.files[0][:, 0], self.parent_dataset.files[0][:, 1], ) ) / sigma ) for i in range(self.parameters["nmodes"].value): self.parameters["logJ%02d" % i] = Parameter( "logJ%02d" % i, np.log10(J[i]), "Log of Mode %d amplitude" % i, ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt, ) # GRAPHIC MODES self.graphicmodes = None self.artistmodes = None self.setup_graphic_modes() # add widgets specific to the theory tb = QToolBar() tb.setIconSize(QSize(24, 24)) self.spinbox = QSpinBox() self.spinbox.setRange(1, self.MAX_MODES) # min and max number of modes self.spinbox.setSuffix(" modes") self.spinbox.setValue(self.parameters["nmodes"].value) # initial value tb.addWidget(self.spinbox) self.modesaction = tb.addAction( QIcon(":/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-visible.png"), "View modes" ) self.modesaction.setCheckable(True) self.modesaction.setChecked(True) self.thToolsLayout.insertWidget(0, tb) connection_id = self.spinbox.valueChanged.connect( self.handle_spinboxValueChanged ) connection_id = self.modesaction.triggered.connect(self.modesaction_change)
[docs] def Qhide_theory_extras(self, state): """Uncheck the modeaction button. Called when curent theory is changed""" self.modesaction.setChecked(state)
[docs] def modesaction_change(self, checked): """Change visibility of modes""" self.graphicmodes_visible(checked)
# self.view_modes = self.modesaction.isChecked() # self.graphicmodes.set_visible(self.view_modes) # if self.view_modes: # self.artistmodes.connect() # else: # self.artistmodes.disconnect() # self.do_calculate("")
[docs] def handle_spinboxValueChanged(self, value): """Handle a change of the parameter 'nmode'""" nmodesold = self.parameters["nmodes"].value tminold = self.parameters["logtmin"].value tmaxold = self.parameters["logtmax"].value tauold = np.logspace(tminold, tmaxold, nmodesold) Gold = np.zeros(nmodesold) for i in range(nmodesold): Gold[i] = self.parameters["logJ%02d" % i].value del self.parameters["logJ%02d" % i] nmodesnew = value self.set_param_value("nmodes", nmodesnew) taunew = np.logspace(tminold, tmaxold, nmodesnew) Gnew = np.interp(taunew, tauold, Gold) for i in range(nmodesnew): self.parameters["logJ%02d" % i] = Parameter( "logJ%02d" % i, Gnew[i], "Log of Mode %d compliance" % i, ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.opt, ) if self.autocalculate: self.parent_dataset.handle_actionCalculate_Theory() self.update_parameter_table()
[docs] def drag_mode(self, dx, dy): """Drag modes around""" nmodes = self.parameters["nmodes"].value self.set_param_value("logtmin", dx[0]) self.set_param_value("logtmax", dx[nmodes - 1]) for i in range(nmodes): self.set_param_value("logJ%02d" % i, dy[i]) self.do_calculate("") self.update_parameter_table()
[docs] def update_modes(self): """Do nothing""" pass
[docs] def setup_graphic_modes(self): """Setup graphic helpers""" nmodes = self.parameters["nmodes"].value tau = np.logspace( self.parameters["logtmin"].value, self.parameters["logtmax"].value, nmodes ) J = np.zeros(nmodes) for i in range(nmodes): J[i] = np.power(10, self.parameters["logJ%02d" % i].value) self.graphicmodes =, J)[0] self.graphicmodes.set_marker("D") self.graphicmodes.set_linestyle("") self.graphicmodes.set_visible(self.view_modes) self.graphicmodes.set_markerfacecolor("yellow") self.graphicmodes.set_markeredgecolor("black") self.graphicmodes.set_markeredgewidth(3) self.graphicmodes.set_markersize(8) self.graphicmodes.set_alpha(0.5) self.artistmodes = DraggableModesSeries( self.graphicmodes, DragType.special, self.parent_dataset.parent_application, self.drag_mode, ) self.plot_theory_stuff()
[docs] def destructor(self): """Called when the theory tab is closed""" self.graphicmodes_visible(False) # self.graphicmodes.remove()
[docs] def show_theory_extras(self, show=False): """Called when the active theory is changed""" self.Qhide_theory_extras(show) self.graphicmodes_visible(show)
[docs] def graphicmodes_visible(self, state): """Change visibility of modes""" self.view_modes = state self.graphicmodes.set_visible(self.view_modes) if self.view_modes: self.artistmodes.connect() else: self.artistmodes.disconnect() # self.do_calculate("") self.parent_dataset.parent_application.update_plot()
[docs] def get_modes(self): """Get the values of Maxwell Modes from this theory""" nmodes = self.parameters["nmodes"].value tau = np.logspace( self.parameters["logtmin"].value, self.parameters["logtmax"].value, nmodes ) J = np.zeros(nmodes) for i in range(nmodes): J[i] = 1.0 / np.power(10, self.parameters["logJ%02d" % i].value) return tau, J, True
[docs] def RetardationModesTime(self, f=None): """Calculate the theory""" ft = f.data_table tt = self.tables[f.file_name_short] tt.num_columns = ft.num_columns tt.num_rows = ft.num_rows = np.zeros((tt.num_rows, tt.num_columns))[:, 0] =[:, 0] try: stress = float(f.file_parameters["stress"]) except (ValueError, KeyError): self.Qprint("Invalid stress value") return nmodes = self.parameters["nmodes"].value J0 = np.power(10, self.parameters["logJini"].value) eta0 = np.power(10, self.parameters["logeta0"].value) tau = np.logspace( self.parameters["logtmin"].value, self.parameters["logtmax"].value, nmodes ) try: rec = int(f.file_parameters["rec"]) except (ValueError, KeyError): rec = 0 for i in range(nmodes): if self.stop_theory_flag: break expT_tau = 1.0 - np.exp([:, 0] / tau[i]) J = np.power(10, self.parameters["logJ%02d" % i].value)[:, 1] += stress * J * expT_tau if rec == 1:[:, 1] += stress * J0 else:[:, 1] += stress * (J0 +[:, 0] / eta0)
[docs] def plot_theory_stuff(self): """Plot theory helpers""" if not self.view_modes: return data_table_tmp = DataTable(self.axarr) data_table_tmp.num_columns = 2 nmodes = self.parameters["nmodes"].value data_table_tmp.num_rows = nmodes = np.zeros((nmodes, 2)) tau = np.logspace( self.parameters["logtmin"].value, self.parameters["logtmax"].value, nmodes )[:, 0] = tau for i in range(nmodes): if self.stop_theory_flag: break[i, 1] = np.power( 10, self.parameters["logJ%02d" % i].value ) view = self.parent_dataset.parent_application.current_view try: x, y, success = view.view_proc(data_table_tmp, None) except TypeError as e: print(e) return self.graphicmodes.set_data(x, y) for i in range(data_table_tmp.MAX_NUM_SERIES): for nx in range(len(self.axarr)): # self.axarr[nx].lines.remove(data_table_tmp.series[nx][i]) data_table_tmp.series[nx][i].remove()