Source code for RepTate.theories.TheoryReactMix

# RepTate: Rheology of Entangled Polymers: Toolkit for the Analysis of Theory and Experiments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors:
#     Jorge Ramirez,
#     Victor Boudara,
#     Daniel Read,
# Useful links:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (2017-2023): Jorge Ramirez, Victor Boudara, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Leeds
# This file is part of RepTate.
# RepTate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# RepTate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with RepTate.  If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Module TheoryReactMix

import numpy as np
import time
from RepTate.core.Parameter import Parameter, ParameterType, OptType
from RepTate.gui.QTheory import QTheory
from PySide6.QtCore import Signal

import ctypes as ct
import RepTate.theories.react_ctypes_helper as rch
import RepTate.theories.react_gui_tools as rgt

[docs] class TheoryReactMix(QTheory): """BASIC THEORY DOCUMENTATION IS MISSING IN PYTHON FILE""" thname = "React Mix" description = "Combine other active React theories" citations = [] doi = [] html_help_file = ( "" ) single_file = ( True # False if the theory can be applied to multiple files simultaneously ) signal_mix_dialog = Signal(object) def __init__(self, name="", parent_dataset=None, axarr=None): """**Constructor**""" super().__init__(name, parent_dataset, axarr) self.function = self.Calc self.simexists = False self.calc_exists = False self.has_modes = False # True if the theory has modes self.parameters["nbin"] = Parameter( name="nbin", value=100, description="Number of molecular weight bins", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, ) self.reactname = "ReactMix" self.dists = [] # index of the react_dist array used in mix self.weights = [] # weight of the dist self.n_inmix = 0 # number of theories in mix self.theory_names = [] # names of theories in mix self.theory_simnumber = [] # 'react_dist[].simnumber' of theories in mix self.calcexists = False self.do_priority_seniority = False self.signal_mix_dialog.connect(rgt.launch_mix_dialog) self.ratios = [] # list of ratios in dialog self.include = [] # list of (0 or 1) include in dialog rgt.initialise_tool_bar(self) self.bob_settings_button.setDisabled(True) self.btn_prio_senio.setDisabled(True)
[docs] def theory_buttons_disabled(self, state): """ Enable/Disable theory buttons, typically called at the start and stop of a calculation. This is relevant in multithread mode only. """ self.save_bob_configuration_button.setDisabled(state)
[docs] def handle_save_bob_configuration(self): """Save polymer configuraions to a file""" rgt.handle_save_mix_configuration(self)
[docs] def handle_edit_bob_settings(self): """Open the BoB binnig settings dialog""" rgt.handle_edit_bob_settings(self)
[docs] def handle_btn_prio_senio(self, checked): """Change do_priority_seniority"""
# rgt.handle_btn_prio_senio(self, checked)
[docs] def Calc(self, f=None): """ReactMix function""" self.calcexists = False nbins = int(np.round(self.parameters["nbin"].value)) rch.set_do_prio_senio(ct.c_bool(self.do_priority_seniority)) # init theory data table - in case of error and 'return' ft = f.data_table tt = self.tables[f.file_name_short] tt.num_columns = ft.num_columns tt.num_rows = 0 = np.zeros((tt.num_rows, tt.num_columns)) # first check that some distributions have polymers in distscheck = False for i in range(rch.pb_global_const.maxreact): distscheck = distscheck or rch.react_dist[i].contents.polysaved if not distscheck: # no distributions have polymers in self.Qprint("No polymers made in other theories yet! Make some polymers.") return # show form self.success_dialog = None self.signal_mix_dialog.emit(self) while self.success_dialog is None: # wait for the end of QDialog time.sleep( 0.5 ) # TODO: find a better way to wait for the dialog thread to finish if not self.success_dialog: self.Qprint("Mixture cancelled") return # check mix settings if self.n_inmix == 0: self.Qprint("Mixture not defined") return # do multiple binning based on form results c_weights = (ct.c_double * self.n_inmix)() c_dists = (ct.c_int * self.n_inmix)() for i in range(self.n_inmix): c_weights[i] = ct.c_double(float(self.weights[i])) c_dists[i] = ct.c_int(int(self.dists[i])) rch.multimolbin(ct.c_int(nbins), c_weights, c_dists, ct.c_int(self.n_inmix)) # resize theory data table tt.num_rows = rch.bab_global.multi_nummwdbins = np.zeros((tt.num_rows, tt.num_columns)) for i in range(1, rch.bab_global.multi_nummwdbins + 1): c_i = ct.c_int(i)[i - 1, 0] = np.power(10, rch.return_binsandbob_multi_lgmid(c_i))[i - 1, 1] = rch.return_binsandbob_multi_wt(c_i)[i - 1, 2] = rch.return_binsandbob_multi_avg(c_i)[i - 1, 3] = rch.return_binsandbob_multi_avbr(c_i) totpoly = 0 totsaved = 0 self.Qprint("<b>Mixture calculation results:</b>") # for i in range (1, rch.pb_global_const.maxreact): # if mixtureform.inmix[i]: table = [] table.append(["Distribution", "#Polymer", "#Saved"]) for i, dist in enumerate(self.dists): totpoly = totpoly + rch.react_dist[dist].contents.npoly totsaved = totsaved + rch.react_dist[dist].contents.nsaved table.append( [ str(self.theory_names[i]), str(rch.react_dist[dist].contents.npoly), str(rch.react_dist[dist].contents.nsaved), ] ) # self.Qprint('Used distribution %s' % self.theory_names[i]) # self.Qprint( # 'Containing %d polymers' % rch.react_dist[dist].contents.npoly) # self.Qprint('Including %d saved polymers' % # rch.react_dist[dist].contents.nsaved) self.Qprint(table) table = [] table.append(["", ""]) # no header table.append(["Total polymers", "%d" % totpoly]) table.append(["Total saved polymers", "%d" % totsaved]) table.append(["Mn", "%.3g" % rch.bab_global.multi_m_n]) table.append(["Mw", "%.3g" % rch.bab_global.multi_m_w]) table.append(["br/1000C", "%.3g" % rch.bab_global.multi_brav]) self.Qprint(table) self.calcexists = True return rch.bab_global.multi_nummwdbins - 1
[docs] def do_error(self, line): """This theory does not calculate the error""" pass
[docs] def set_extra_data(self, extra_data): """Called when loading a project, set saved parameter values""" self.ratios = extra_data["ratios"] self.include = extra_data["include"] rgt.set_extra_data(self, extra_data)
[docs] def get_extra_data(self): """Called when saving project. Save parameters in extra_data dict""" self.extra_data["ratios"] = self.ratios self.extra_data["include"] = self.include rgt.get_extra_data(self)