Source code for RepTate.theories.TheoryPETS

# RepTate: Rheology of Entangled Polymers: Toolkit for the Analysis of Theory and Experiments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors:
#     Jorge Ramirez,
#     Victor Boudara,
# Useful links:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (2017-2023): Jorge Ramirez, Victor Boudara, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Leeds
# This file is part of RepTate.
# RepTate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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"""Module TheoryPETS

Module for the PETS theory for the non-linear flow of entangled polymers.

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from RepTate.core.Parameter import Parameter, ParameterType, OptType
from RepTate.gui.QTheory import QTheory, EndComputationRequested
from RepTate.core.DataTable import DataTable
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QToolBar, QToolButton, QMenu
from PySide6.QtCore import QSize
from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon
from RepTate.gui.Theory_rc import *
from RepTate.theories.theory_helpers import FlowMode

[docs] class TheoryPETS(QTheory): """Preaveraged model for Entangled Telechelic Star polymers: This theory is intended for the prediction of non-linear transient flows of entangled telechelic (with sticky functional groups at the chain-ends) star polymers. * **Parameters** - ``G`` : Plateau Modulus - ``tauD`` : Orientation relaxation time - ``tauS`` : Stretch Relxation time - ``tau_as`` : Typical time the sticker spends associated - ``tau_free`` : Typical time the sticker spends free - ``lmax`` : Maximum extensibility - ``beta`` : CCR coefficient - ``delta`` : CCR exponent - ``Z`` : Entanglement number - ``r_a`` : Ratio of sticker size to tube diameter """ thname = "PETS" description = "Preaveraged model for entangled telechelic star polymers" citations = ["Boudara, V.A.H, and D.J. Read, J. Rheol., 61, 339-362 (2017)"] doi = [""] html_help_file = "" single_file = False def __init__(self, name="", parent_dataset=None, axarr=None): """**Constructor**""" super().__init__(name, parent_dataset, axarr) self.function = self.PETS self.has_modes = True EPSILON = np.finfo(float).resolution self.parameters["G"] = Parameter( name="G", value=1000.0, description="Plateau Modulus", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt, min_value=0, ) self.parameters["tauD"] = Parameter( name="tauD", value=100.0, description="Orientation relaxation time", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt, min_value=EPSILON, ) self.parameters["tauS"] = Parameter( name="tauS", value=1, description="Stretch Relxation time", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt, min_value=EPSILON, ) self.parameters["tau_as"] = Parameter( name="tau_as", value=1e2, description="Typical time the sticker spends associated", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt, min_value=EPSILON, ) self.parameters["tau_free"] = Parameter( name="tau_free", value=1e-2, description="Typical time the sticker spends free", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.nopt, min_value=EPSILON, ) self.parameters["lmax"] = Parameter( name="lmax", value=10.0, description="Maximum extensibility", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=True, min_value=1.01, ) self.parameters["beta"] = Parameter( name="beta", value=1, description="CCR coefficient", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, min_value=0, max_value=2, ) self.parameters["delta"] = Parameter( name="delta", value=-0.5, description="CCR exponent", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, ) self.parameters["Z"] = Parameter( name="Z", value=10, description="Entanglement number", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, min_value=1, ) self.parameters["r_a"] = Parameter( name="r_a", value=0.01, description="Ratio of sticker size to tube diameter", type=ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, min_value=EPSILON, ) self.view_LVEenvelope = False auxseries =[], [], label="") self.LVEenvelopeseries = auxseries[0] self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_marker("") self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_linestyle("--") self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_visible(self.view_LVEenvelope) self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_color("green") self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_linewidth(5) self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_label("") self.MAX_MODES = 40 self.init_flow_mode() # add widgets specific to the theory tb = QToolBar() tb.setIconSize(QSize(24, 24)) self.tbutflow = QToolButton() self.tbutflow.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) menu = QMenu(self) self.shear_flow_action = menu.addAction( QIcon(":/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icon-shear.png"), "Shear Flow" ) self.extensional_flow_action = menu.addAction( QIcon(":/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icon-uext.png"), "Extensional Flow" ) if self.flow_mode == FlowMode.shear: self.tbutflow.setDefaultAction(self.shear_flow_action) else: self.tbutflow.setDefaultAction(self.extensional_flow_action) self.tbutflow.setMenu(menu) tb.addWidget(self.tbutflow) # Show LVE button self.linearenvelope = tb.addAction( QIcon(":/Icon8/Images/new_icons/lve-icon.png"), "Show Linear Envelope" ) self.linearenvelope.setCheckable(True) self.linearenvelope.setChecked(False) self.thToolsLayout.insertWidget(0, tb) connection_id = self.shear_flow_action.triggered.connect(self.select_shear_flow) connection_id = self.extensional_flow_action.triggered.connect( self.select_extensional_flow ) connection_id = self.linearenvelope.triggered.connect(self.show_linear_envelope)
[docs] def Qhide_theory_extras(self, show): """Uncheck the LVE button. Called when curent theory is changed""" if show: self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_visible(self.linearenvelope.isChecked()) else: self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_visible(False)
[docs] def show_linear_envelope(self, state): self.extra_graphic_visible(state)
# self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_visible(self.linearenvelope.isChecked()) # self.plot_theory_stuff() # self.parent_dataset.parent_application.update_plot()
[docs] def plot_theory_stuff(self): """Plot theory helpers""" data_table_tmp = DataTable(self.axarr) data_table_tmp.num_columns = 2 data_table_tmp.num_rows = 100 = np.zeros((100, 2)) times = np.logspace(-2, 3, 100)[:, 0] = times[:, 1] = 0 fparamaux = {} fparamaux["gdot"] = 1e-8 G = self.parameters["G"].value tauD = self.parameters["tauD"].value[:, 1] += ( G * fparamaux["gdot"] * tauD * (1 - np.exp(-times / tauD)) ) if self.flow_mode == FlowMode.uext:[:, 1] *= 3.0 view = self.parent_dataset.parent_application.current_view try: x, y, success = view.view_proc(data_table_tmp, fparamaux) except TypeError as e: print(e) return self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_data(x[:, 0], y[:, 0])
[docs] def select_shear_flow(self): self.flow_mode = FlowMode.shear self.tbutflow.setDefaultAction(self.shear_flow_action)
[docs] def select_extensional_flow(self): self.flow_mode = FlowMode.uext self.tbutflow.setDefaultAction(self.extensional_flow_action)
[docs] def set_extra_data(self, extra_data): """Set extra data when loading project""" pass
[docs] def get_extra_data(self): """Set extra_data when saving project""" pass
[docs] def init_flow_mode(self): """Find if data files are shear or extension""" try: f = self.theory_files()[0] if f.file_type.extension == "shear": self.flow_mode = FlowMode.shear else: self.flow_mode = FlowMode.uext except Exception as e: print("in RP init:", e) self.flow_mode = FlowMode.shear # default mode: shear
[docs] def destructor(self): """Called when the theory tab is closed""" self.extra_graphic_visible(False) # self.LVEenvelopeseries.remove()
[docs] def show_theory_extras(self, show=False): """Called when the active theory is changed""" self.Qhide_theory_extras(show)
# self.extra_graphic_visible(self.linearenvelope.isChecked())
[docs] def extra_graphic_visible(self, state): """Change visibility of graphic helpers""" self.LVEenvelopeseries.set_visible(state) self.parent_dataset.parent_application.update_plot()
[docs] def get_modes(self): """Get the values of Maxwell Modes from this theory""" tau = np.zeros(1) G = np.zeros(1) tau[0] = self.parameters["tauD"].value G[0] = self.parameters["G"].value return tau, G, True
[docs] def sigmadot_shear(self, vec, t, p): """PETS differential equation under *shear* flow with stretching and finite extensibility if selected""" if self.stop_theory_flag: raise EndComputationRequested f, ldeq, QAxx, QAyy, QAxy, QDxx, QDyy, QDxy = vec Z, r_a, lmax, tauD, tauS, tau_as, tau_free, beta, delta, gammadot = p # Create the vector with the time derivative of sigma lm2 = lmax**2 trQA = QAxx + 2 * QAyy trQD = QDxx + 2 * QDyy la = ((lm2 * trQA) / (3 * lm2 - 3 + trQA)) ** 0.5 ld = ((lm2 * trQD) / (3 * lm2 - 3 + trQD)) ** 0.5 fenela = (3 * lm2 - 3 + trQA) / (3 * lm2) feneld = (3 * lm2 - 3 + trQD) / (3 * lm2) feneEq = (1 - 1 / lm2) / (1 - ldeq**2 / lm2) r_freeas = 1 / tau_free r_asfree = ( 1 / tau_as * ( (1 - la**2 / lm2) / (1 - 1 / lm2 * (la - r_a / Z) ** 2) * (1 - (1 - r_a / Z) / lm2) / (1 - 1 / lm2) ) ** (-1.5 * Z * lm2 * (1 - 1 / lm2)) ) if r_asfree > self.RD_MAX: r_asfree = self.RD_MAX nu = 2 * (1 - f) * (1 - 1 / ldeq) / tauS * feneEq + f * r_asfree * 2 * ( la - ld ) / (la + ld) ### gxx = 2 * gammadot * QAxy - beta * nu * (QAxx - fenela) / la gyy = -beta * nu * (QAyy - fenela) / la gxy = gammadot * QAyy - beta * nu * QAyy / la trg_lm = (gxx + 2 * gyy) / (3 * lm2 - 3) dQAxx = gxx + trg_lm * QAxx + r_freeas * (1 - f) / f * (QDxx - QAxx) dQAyy = gyy + trg_lm * QAyy + r_freeas * (1 - f) / f * (QDyy - QAyy) dQAxy = gxy + trg_lm * QAxy + r_freeas * (1 - f) / f * (QDxy - QAxy) ##### hxx = ( 2 * gammadot * QDxy - beta * nu * (QDxx - feneld) / ld - (QDxx - feneld) / tauD - 2 * (1 - 1 / ld) / tauS * feneld * QDxx ) hyy = ( -beta * nu * (QDyy - feneld) / ld - (QDyy - feneld) / tauD - 2 * (1 - 1 / ld) / tauS * feneld * QDyy ) hxy = ( gammadot * QDyy - beta * nu * QDxy / ld - QDxy / tauD - 2 * (1 - 1 / ld) / tauS * feneld * QDxy ) trh_lm = (hxx + 2 * hyy) / (3 * lm2 - 3) dQDxx = hxx + trh_lm * QDxx + r_asfree * f / (1 - f) * (QAxx - QDxx) dQDyy = hyy + trh_lm * QDyy + r_asfree * f / (1 - f) * (QAyy - QDyy) dQDxy = hxy + trh_lm * QDxy + r_asfree * f / (1 - f) * (QAxy - QDxy) ### dldeq = ( gammadot * QDxy / trQD * ldeq - (ldeq - 1) / tauS * feneEq + f * r_asfree * (la - ldeq) ) ### df = r_freeas * (1 - f) - r_asfree * f return [df, dldeq, dQAxx, dQAyy, dQAxy, dQDxx, dQDyy, dQDxy]
[docs] def sigmadot_uext(self, vec, t, p): """PETS differential equation under *uext* flow with stretching and finite extensibility if selected""" if self.stop_theory_flag: raise EndComputationRequested f, ldeq, QAxx, QAyy, QDxx, QDyy = vec Z, r_a, lmax, tauD, tauS, tau_as, tau_free, beta, delta, epsilon_dot = p # Create the vector with the time derivative of sigma lm2 = lmax**2 trQA = QAxx + 2 * QAyy trQD = QDxx + 2 * QDyy la = ((lm2 * trQA) / (3 * lm2 - 3 + trQA)) ** 0.5 ld = ((lm2 * trQD) / (3 * lm2 - 3 + trQD)) ** 0.5 fenela = (3 * lm2 - 3 + trQA) / (3 * lm2) feneld = (3 * lm2 - 3 + trQD) / (3 * lm2) feneEq = (1 - 1 / lm2) / (1 - ldeq**2 / lm2) r_freeas = 1 / tau_free r_asfree = ( 1 / tau_as * ( (1 - la**2 / lm2) / ( 1 - 1 / lm2 * (la - r_a / Z) ** 2 * (1 - (1 - r_a / Z) / lm2) / (1 - 1 / lm2) ) ) ** (-1.5 * Z * lm2) ) if r_asfree > self.RD_MAX: r_asfree = self.RD_MAX nu = 2 * (1 - f) * (1 - 1 / ldeq) / tauS * feneEq + f * r_asfree * 2 * ( la - ld ) / (la + ld) ### gxx = 2.0 * epsilon_dot * QAxx - beta * nu * (QAxx - fenela) / la gyy = -epsilon_dot * QAyy - beta * nu * (QAyy - fenela) / la trg_lm = (gxx + 2 * gyy) / (3 * lm2 - 3) dQAxx = gxx + trg_lm * QAxx + r_freeas * (1 - f) / f * (QDxx - QAxx) dQAyy = gyy + trg_lm * QAyy + r_freeas * (1 - f) / f * (QDyy - QAyy) ##### hxx = ( 2.0 * epsilon_dot * QDxx - beta * nu * (QDxx - feneld) / ld - (QDxx - feneld) / tauD - 2 * (1 - 1 / ld) / tauS * feneld * QDxx ) hyy = ( -epsilon_dot * QDyy - beta * nu * (QDyy - feneld) / ld - (QDyy - feneld) / tauD - 2 * (1 - 1 / ld) / tauS * feneld * QDyy ) trh_lm = (hxx + 2 * hyy) / (3 * lm2 - 3) dQDxx = hxx + trh_lm * QDxx + r_asfree * f / (1 - f) * (QAxx - QDxx) dQDyy = hyy + trh_lm * QDyy + r_asfree * f / (1 - f) * (QAyy - QDyy) ### dldeq = ( epsilon_dot * (QDxx - QDyy) / trQD * ldeq - (ldeq - 1) / tauS * feneEq + f * r_asfree * (la - ldeq) ) ### df = r_freeas * (1 - f) - r_asfree * f # if (t< .1): # print("\n time=%.3g" % t) # print("f", vec[0]) # print("ldeq", vec[1]) # print("QAxx", vec[2]) # print("QAyy", vec[3]) # print("QDxx", vec[4]) # print("QDyy", vec[5]) # print("r_freeas", r_freeas) # print("r_asfree", r_asfree) # print("df", df) return [df, dldeq, dQAxx, dQAyy, dQDxx, dQDyy]
[docs] def PETS(self, f=None): """Calculates the theory""" ft = f.data_table tt = self.tables[f.file_name_short] tt.num_columns = ft.num_columns tt.num_rows = ft.num_rows = np.zeros((tt.num_rows, tt.num_columns))[:, 0] =[:, 0] # ODE solver parameters abserr = 1.0e-8 relerr = 1.0e-6 t =[:, 0] t = np.concatenate([[0], t]) flow_rate = float(f.file_parameters["gdot"]) delta = self.parameters["delta"].value beta = self.parameters["beta"].value tau_free = self.parameters["tau_free"].value tau_as = self.parameters["tau_as"].value tauS = self.parameters["tauS"].value tauD = self.parameters["tauD"].value lmax = self.parameters["lmax"].value r_a = self.parameters["r_a"].value Z = self.parameters["Z"].value self.RD_MAX = 1 / ( 0.01 * min(tau_free, min(tauS, min(tauS, 0.0001 / flow_rate))) ) # flow geometry and finite extensibility phi0 = 1 / (1 + tau_free / tau_as) if self.flow_mode == FlowMode.shear: vec_0 = [ phi0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, ] # f, ldeq, QAxx, QAyy, QAxy QDxx, QDyy, QDxy pde = self.sigmadot_shear elif self.flow_mode == FlowMode.uext: vec_0 = [phi0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] # f, ldeq, QAxx, QAyy, QDxx, QDyy pde = self.sigmadot_uext else: return p = [Z, r_a, lmax, tauD, tauS, tau_as, tau_free, beta, delta, flow_rate] try: res_vec = odeint(pde, vec_0, t, args=(p,), atol=abserr, rtol=relerr) except EndComputationRequested: pass G = self.parameters["G"].value if self.flow_mode == FlowMode.shear: # res_vec = [f, ldeq, QAxx, QAyy, QAxy, QDxx, QDyy, QDxy] f = np.delete(res_vec[:, 0], [0]) # QAxx = np.delete(res_vec[:, 2], [0]) # QAyy = np.delete(res_vec[:, 3], [0]) QAxy = np.delete(res_vec[:, 4], [0]) # QDxx = np.delete(res_vec[:, 5], [0]) # QDyy = np.delete(res_vec[:, 6], [0]) QDxy = np.delete(res_vec[:, 7], [0]) #  build stress array[:, 1] = G * (f * QAxy + (1 - f) * QDxy) elif self.flow_mode == FlowMode.uext: # res_vec = [f, ldeq, QAxx, QAyy, QDxx, QDyy] f = np.delete(res_vec[:, 0], [0]) QAxx = np.delete(res_vec[:, 2], [0]) QAyy = np.delete(res_vec[:, 3], [0]) QDxx = np.delete(res_vec[:, 4], [0]) QDyy = np.delete(res_vec[:, 5], [0]) #  build stress array[:, 1] = G * (f * (QAxx - QAyy) + (1 - f) * (QDxx - QDyy))