Source code for RepTate.theories.TheoryDiscrMWD

# RepTate: Rheology of Entangled Polymers: Toolkit for the Analysis of Theory and Experiments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors:
#     Jorge Ramirez,
#     Victor Boudara,
# Useful links:
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# Copyright (2017-2023): Jorge Ramirez, Victor Boudara, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Leeds
# This file is part of RepTate.
# RepTate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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"""Module TheoryDiscrMWD

Module that defines the theory to discretize a molecular weight distribution.

import os
from RepTate.core.Parameter import Parameter, ParameterType, OptType
from RepTate.gui.QTheory import QTheory
import numpy as np
from PySide6.QtCore import QSize
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QToolBar, QSpinBox, QMessageBox
from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon
from RepTate.core.DraggableArtists import DragType, DraggableBinSeries

[docs] class TheoryDiscrMWD(QTheory): """Discretize a Molecular Weight Distribution""" thname = "Discretize MWD" description = "Discretize a Molecular Weight Distribution" citations = [] doi = [] html_help_file = "" single_file = True def __init__(self, name="", parent_dataset=None, ax=None): """**Constructor**""" super().__init__(name, parent_dataset, ax) self.function = self.discretise_mwd self.has_modes = False self.view_bins = True self.bins = None self.current_file = None self.NBIN_MIN = 1 self.NBIN_MAX = 100 self.parameters["Mn"] = Parameter( "Mn", 1000, "Number-average molecular mass", ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=False, ) self.parameters["Mw"] = Parameter( "Mw", 1000, "Weight-average molecular mass", ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=False, ) self.parameters["Mz"] = Parameter( "Mz", 1, "z-average molecular mass", ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=False, ) self.parameters["PDI"] = Parameter( "PDI", 1, "Polydispersity index", ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=False, ) mmin = self.parent_dataset.minpositivecol(0) mmax = self.parent_dataset.maxcol(0) nbin = int(np.round(3 * np.log10(mmax / mmin))) # default: 3 bins per decade self.parameters["logmmin"] = Parameter( "logmmin", np.log10(mmin), "Log of minimum molecular mass", ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=False, ) self.parameters["logmmax"] = Parameter( "logmmax", np.log10(mmax), "Log of maximum molecular mass", ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=False, ) self.parameters["nbin"] = Parameter( name="nbin", value=nbin, description="Number of molecular weight bins", type=ParameterType.integer, min_value=self.NBIN_MIN, max_value=self.NBIN_MAX, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=False, ) self.set_equally_spaced_bins() self.setup_graphic_bins() # add widgets specific to the theory tb = QToolBar() tb.setIconSize(QSize(24, 24)) self.spinbox = QSpinBox() self.spinbox.setRange( self.NBIN_MIN, self.NBIN_MAX ) # min and max number of modes self.spinbox.setSuffix(" bins") self.spinbox.setValue(self.parameters["nbin"].value) # initial value tb.addWidget(self.spinbox) self.thToolsLayout.insertWidget(0, tb) # view bins button self.view_bins_button = tb.addAction( QIcon(":/Icon8/Images/new_icons/icons8-visible.png"), "View modes" ) self.view_bins_button.setCheckable(True) self.view_bins_button.setChecked(True) self.thToolsLayout.insertWidget(0, tb) self.thToolsLayout.insertWidget(0, tb) # connections signal and slots connection_id = self.view_bins_button.triggered.connect( self.handle_view_bins_button_triggered ) connection_id = self.spinbox.valueChanged.connect( self.handle_spinboxValueChanged ) # disable useless buttons for this theory self.parent_dataset.actionMinimize_Error.setDisabled(True) self.parent_dataset.actionShow_Limits.setDisabled(True) self.parent_dataset.actionVertical_Limits.setDisabled(True) self.parent_dataset.actionHorizontal_Limits.setDisabled(True)
[docs] def handle_spinboxValueChanged(self, value): """Handle a change of the parameter 'nbin'""" self.spinbox.setValue(value) self.set_param_value("nbin", value) self.update_parameter_table()
[docs] def Qhide_theory_extras(self, state): """Uncheck the view_bins_button button and change button activation state. Called when curent theory is changed""" self.view_bins_button.setChecked(state) self.parent_dataset.actionMinimize_Error.setDisabled(state) self.parent_dataset.actionShow_Limits.setDisabled(state) self.parent_dataset.actionVertical_Limits.setDisabled(state) self.parent_dataset.actionHorizontal_Limits.setDisabled(state)
[docs] def handle_view_bins_button_triggered(self, checked): """Set visibility of bins""" self.graphic_bins_visible(checked) self.set_bar_plot(True) # leave the bar plot on self.parent_dataset.parent_application.update_plot()
[docs] def do_save(self, dir, extra_txt=""): """Save discrete MWD""" nbin = self.parameters["nbin"].value file_out = os.path.join( dir, "%s_TH_%dbins%s.txt" % (self.extra_data["current_fname"], nbin, extra_txt), ) fout = open(file_out, "w") # output polymers Mn, Mw, PDI, Mz_Mw = self.calculate_moments(self.extra_data["saved_th"], "") fout.write("Mn=%.3g;Mw=%.3g;PDI=%.3g;Mz/Mw=%.3g\n" % (Mn, Mw, PDI, Mz_Mw)) fout.write("%-10s %12s\n" % ("M", "phi(M)")) nbin_out = len(self.extra_data["saved_th"][:, 0]) for i in range(nbin_out): fout.write( "%-10.3e %12.6e\n" % (self.extra_data["saved_th"][i, 0], self.extra_data["saved_th"][i, 1]) ) # print information msg = 'Saved %d bins to "%s"' % (nbin_out, file_out) QMessageBox.information(self, "Saved discretized MWD", msg)
[docs] def set_equally_spaced_bins(self): """Find the first active file in the dataset and setup the bins""" for f in self.theory_files(): ft = m_arr = ft[:, 0] w_arr = ft[:, 1] try: mmin = min(m_arr[np.nonzero(w_arr)]) mmax = max(m_arr[np.nonzero(w_arr)]) except: mmin = m_arr[0] mmax = m_arr[-1] self.parameters["logmmin"].value = np.log10(mmin) self.parameters["logmmax"].value = np.log10(mmax) nbin = self.parameters["nbin"].value bins_edges = np.logspace(np.log10(mmin), np.log10(mmax), nbin + 1) for i in range(nbin + 1): self.parameters["logM%02d" % i] = Parameter( "logM%02d" % i, np.log10(bins_edges[i]), "Log of molecular mass", ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=False, ) self.current_file = f
[docs] def set_param_value(self, name, new_value): """Set value of theory parameter""" if name == "nbin": nbinold = self.parameters["nbin"].value message, success = super().set_param_value(name, new_value) if not success: return message, success if name == "nbin": new_nbin = self.parameters["nbin"].value mminold = self.parameters["logmmin"].value mmaxold = self.parameters["logmmax"].value for i in range(nbinold + 1): del self.parameters["logM%02d" % i] mnew = np.logspace(mminold, mmaxold, new_nbin + 1) for i in range(new_nbin + 1): self.parameters["logM%02d" % i] = Parameter( "logM%02d" % i, np.log10(mnew[i]), "Log molecular mass %d" % i, ParameterType.real, opt_type=OptType.const, display_flag=False, ) if self.autocalculate: self.do_calculate("") elif (name == "logmmin") or ( name == "logmmax" ): # make bins equally spaced again nbin = self.parameters["nbin"].value mmin = self.parameters["logmmin"].value mmax = self.parameters["logmmax"].value mnew = np.logspace(mmin, mmax, nbin + 1) for i in range(nbin + 1): self.parameters["logM%02d" % i].value = np.log10(mnew[i]) if self.autocalculate: self.do_calculate("") return "", True
[docs] def setup_graphic_bins(self): """Setup graphic helpers for the theory""" nbin = self.parameters["nbin"].value # marker at the Mw value of the bin self.Mw_bin =, np.zeros(nbin))[0] self.Mw_bin.set_marker("|") self.Mw_bin.set_linestyle("") self.Mw_bin.set_visible(False) # self.Mw_bin.set_markerfacecolor('yellow') self.Mw_bin.set_markeredgecolor("black") self.Mw_bin.set_markeredgewidth(4) self.Mw_bin.set_markersize(18) self.Mw_bin.set_alpha(1) # setup the movable edge bins self.bins = np.logspace( self.parameters["logmmin"].value, self.parameters["logmmax"].value, nbin + 1 ) self.graphic_bins =, np.zeros(nbin + 1), picker=10)[0] self.graphic_bins.set_marker("d") self.graphic_bins.set_linestyle("") self.graphic_bins.set_visible(self.view_bins) self.graphic_bins.set_markerfacecolor("yellow") self.graphic_bins.set_markeredgecolor("red") self.graphic_bins.set_markeredgewidth(3) self.graphic_bins.set_markersize(18) self.graphic_bins.set_alpha(0.75) self.artist_bins = DraggableBinSeries( self.graphic_bins, DragType.horizontal, self.parent_dataset.parent_application.current_view.log_x, self.parent_dataset.parent_application.current_view.log_y, self.drag_bin, ) self.extra_data["bin_height"] = np.zeros(nbin) self.extra_data["bin_edges"] = np.zeros(nbin + 1) for i in range(nbin + 1): self.extra_data["bin_edges"][i] = np.power( 10, self.parameters["logM%02d" % i].value )
[docs] def set_extra_data(self, extra_data): """Define the extra_data dict and set the bin number Redefinition of the QTheory function""" self.extra_data = extra_data nbin = len(self.extra_data["bin_height"]) try: self.spinbox.blockSignals(True) self.spinbox.setValue(nbin) self.spinbox.blockSignals(False) except: # in CL mode pass
[docs] def destructor(self): """Called when the theory tab is closed""" self.graphic_bins_visible(False) # self.graphic_bins.remove()
[docs] def show_theory_extras(self, show=False): """Called when the active theory is changed""" self.Qhide_theory_extras(show) self.graphic_bins_visible(show)
[docs] def graphic_bins_visible(self, state): """Set visibility of graphic helpers""" self.view_bins = state self.graphic_bins.set_visible(state) # movable edge bins self.Mw_bin.set_visible(state) # Mw tick marks self.set_bar_plot(state) # bar plot if self.view_bins: self.artist_bins.connect() else: self.artist_bins.disconnect() # self.do_calculate("") self.parent_dataset.parent_application.update_plot()
[docs] def drag_bin(self, newx, newy): """Move edges of the bins""" nbin = self.parameters["nbin"].value newx = np.sort(newx) self.parameters["logmmin"].value = np.log10(newx[0]) self.parameters["logmmax"].value = np.log10(newx[nbin]) for i in range(nbin + 1): self.set_param_value("logM%02d" % i, np.log10(newx[i])) self.do_calculate("") self.update_parameter_table()
[docs] def do_error(self, line): """This theory does not calculate the error""" pass
[docs] def do_fit(self, line=""): """Fit not allowed in this theory""" pass
[docs] def calculate_moments(self, f, line=""): """Calculate the moments Mn, Mw, and Mz of a molecular mass distribution""" n = f[:, 0].size Mw = 0 tempMn = 0 tempM2 = 0 tempM3 = 0 for i in range(n): M = f[i, 0] w = f[i, 1] # M = np.power(10, (np.log10(f[i + 1, 0]) + np.log10(f[i, 0])) / 2 ) Mw += w * M tempM3 += w * M ** 3 # w*M^3 tempM2 += w * M * M # w*M^2 tempMn += w / M # w/M if tempMn * Mw * tempM2 != 0: Mn = 1 / tempMn Mz = tempM2 / Mw Mzp1 = tempM3 / tempM2 PDI = Mw / Mn else: PDI = Mzp1 = Mz = Mw = Mn = np.nan self.Qprint("Could not determine moments") if line == "discretized": self.set_param_value("Mn", Mn / 1000) self.set_param_value("Mw", Mw / 1000) self.set_param_value("Mz", Mz / 1000) self.set_param_value("PDI", PDI) if line == "": return Mn / 1000, Mw / 1000, PDI, Mz / Mw else: self.Qprint("""<h3>Characteristics of the %s MWD<br></h3>""" % line, end="") # table='''<table border="1" width="100%">''' # table+='''<tr><th>Mn (kg/mol)</th><th>Mw (kg/mol)</th><th>Mw/Mn</th><th>Mz/Mw</th><th>Mz+1/Mz</th></tr>''' # table+='''<tr><td>%.3g</td><td>%.3g</td><td>%.3g</td><td>%.3g</td><td>%.3g</td></tr>'''%(Mn / 1000, Mw / 1000, PDI, Mz / Mw, Mzp1/Mz) # table+='''</table><br>''' table = [ [ "%-12s" % "Mn (kg/mol)", "%-12s" % "Mw (kg/mol)", "%-9s" % "Mw/Mn", "%-9s" % "Mz/Mw", "%-9s" % "Mz+1/Mz", ], ] table.append( [ "%-12.3g" % (Mn / 1000), "%-12.3g" % (Mw / 1000), "%-9.3g" % PDI, "%-9.3g" % (Mz / Mw), "%-9.3g" % (Mzp1 / Mz), ] ) self.Qprint(table)
[docs] def discretise_mwd(self, f=None): """Discretize a molecular weight distribution""" self.extra_data["current_fname"] = f.file_name_short # sort M, w with M increasing in ft =[np.argsort([:, 0])] ft = if f != self.current_file: self.set_equally_spaced_bins() # normalize area under the data points to compute the moments n = ft[:, 0].size temp_area = 0 temp = np.zeros((n - 1, 2)) for i in range(n - 1): dlogM = np.log10(ft[i + 1, 0]) - np.log10(ft[i, 0]) mean_w = (ft[i, 1] + ft[i + 1, 1]) / 2 temp_area += mean_w * dlogM temp[i, 0] = np.power(10, (np.log10(ft[i + 1, 0]) + np.log10(ft[i, 0])) / 2) temp[i, 1] = mean_w * dlogM if temp_area != 0: temp[:, 1] /= temp_area self.calculate_moments(temp, "input") nbin = self.parameters["nbin"].value edge_bins = np.zeros(nbin + 1) for i in range(nbin + 1): edge_bins[i] = np.power(10, self.parameters["logM%02d" % i].value) # each M-bin is the Mw value of along the bin width out_mbins = np.zeros(nbin) # output M bins for i in range(nbin): x = [] # list of M containing bin edges and data point in between y = ( [] ) # list of weight containg interpolated values at bin edges and data points w_interp = np.interp( [edge_bins[i], edge_bins[i + 1]], ft[:, 0], ft[:, 1], left=0, right=0 ) # interpolate out of range values to zero x.append(edge_bins[i]) y.append(w_interp[0]) for j in range(n): if edge_bins[i] <= ft[j, 0] and ft[j, 0] < edge_bins[i + 1]: x.append(ft[j, 0]) y.append(ft[j, 1]) x.append(edge_bins[i + 1]) y.append(w_interp[1]) tempM = 0 for j in range(len(x)): tempM += x[j] * y[j] # w * M(w) out_mbins[i] = tempM s = np.sum(y) if s != 0: out_mbins[i] /= s # add area inder the curve to w_out and normalize by bin width w_out = np.zeros(nbin) for i in range(nbin): x = [] y = [] w_interp = np.interp( [edge_bins[i], edge_bins[i + 1]], ft[:, 0], ft[:, 1], left=0, right=0 ) x.append(edge_bins[i]) y.append(w_interp[0]) for j in range(n): if edge_bins[i] <= ft[j, 0] and ft[j, 0] < edge_bins[i + 1]: x.append(ft[j, 0]) y.append(ft[j, 1]) x.append(edge_bins[i + 1]) y.append(w_interp[1]) w_out[i] = np.trapz(y, x=np.log10(x)) / ( np.log10(edge_bins[i + 1]) - np.log10(edge_bins[i]) ) # copy weights and M into theory table tt = self.tables[f.file_name_short] tt.num_columns = 2 tt.num_rows = len(w_out) = np.zeros((tt.num_rows, tt.num_columns)) # save into extra_data self.extra_data["bin_height"] = w_out self.extra_data["bin_edges"] = edge_bins # compute moments of discretized distribution arg_nonzero = np.flatnonzero(w_out) nbin_out = len(arg_nonzero) saved_th = np.zeros((nbin_out, 2)) saved_th[:, 0] = out_mbins[arg_nonzero] for i, arg in enumerate(arg_nonzero): saved_th[i, 1] = ( np.log10(edge_bins[arg + 1]) - np.log10(edge_bins[arg]) ) * w_out[arg] saved_th[:, 1] /= np.sum(saved_th[:, 1]) self.calculate_moments(saved_th, "discretized") self.extra_data["saved_th"] = saved_th
[docs] def plot_theory_stuff(self): """Plot theory graphic helpers""" nbin = self.parameters["nbin"].value x = np.zeros(nbin + 1) y = np.zeros(nbin + 1) for i in range(nbin + 1): x[i] = self.parameters["logM%02d" % i].value self.graphic_bins.set_data(np.power(10, x), y) # set the bar plot self.set_bar_plot(True) # set the tick marks of for each bin Mw value self.Mw_bin.set_data( self.extra_data["saved_th"][:, 0], np.zeros(len(self.extra_data["saved_th"][:, 0])), ) self.Mw_bin.set_visible(True)
[docs] def set_bar_plot(self, visible=True): """Hide/Show the bar plot""" try: self.bar_bins.remove() # remove existing bars, if any except: pass # no bar plot to remove if visible: bin_e = self.extra_data["bin_edges"] edges = bin_e[:-1] # remove last bin nbin = len(edges) width = np.zeros(nbin) for i in range(nbin): width[i] = bin_e[i + 1] - bin_e[i] self.bar_bins = edges, self.extra_data["bin_height"], width, align="edge", color="grey", edgecolor="black", alpha=0.5, )
[docs] def get_mwd(self): m = np.copy(self.extra_data["saved_th"][:, 0]) phi = np.copy(self.extra_data["saved_th"][:, 1]) return m, phi