Source code for RepTate.theories.TheoryCreatePolyconf

# RepTate: Rheology of Entangled Polymers: Toolkit for the Analysis of Theory and Experiments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors:
#     Jorge Ramirez,
#     Victor Boudara,
# Useful links:
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# Copyright (2017-2023): Jorge Ramirez, Victor Boudara, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Leeds
# This file is part of RepTate.
# RepTate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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"""Module TheoryCreatePolyconf

CreatePolyconf file for creating a polymer configuration file using BoB version 2.5
by Chinmay Das et al.
import os
import numpy as np
import enum
import RepTate
from RepTate.core.Parameter import Parameter, ParameterType, OptType
from RepTate.gui.QTheory import QTheory
from collections import OrderedDict
import time

import ctypes
from RepTate.theories.BobCtypesHelper import BobCtypesHelper, BobError
from RepTate.gui import bob_gen_poly # dialog
from PySide6.QtWidgets import (
from PySide6.QtGui import QIntValidator, QDoubleValidator, QDesktopServices, QIcon
from PySide6.QtCore import QUrl, Signal, QSize, Qt #, QVariant

[docs] class DistributionType(enum.Enum): """Type of molecular weight distribution""" Monodisperse = 0 Gaussian = 1 LogNormal = 2 Poisson = 3 Flory = 4
[docs] class ArchitectureType(enum.Enum): """Type of polymer architecture and expected parameters as input for BoB""" Linear = { "name": "Linear Polymer", "def": [0, "Distr.", "Mw (g/mol)", "PDI"], "descr": "Linear polymer", } Star = { "name": "Star Polymer", "def": [1, "Distr.", "Mw (g/mol)", "PDI", "", "Num. arm"], "descr": "Star polymer", } AsymStar = { "name": "Asymetric Star", "def": [ 2, "Distr. long", "Mw long (g/mol)", "PDI long", "", "Distr. short", "Mw short", "PDI short", ], "descr": "Star with two arms of equal length and the third arm having a different length. Only 3 arm stars are created", } H = { "name": "H Polymer", "def": [ 3, "Distr. side", "Mw side (g/mol)", "PDI side", "", "Distr. cross", "Mw cross", "PDI cross", ], "descr": "H polymers have one cross-bar and four segments attached to the crossbar", } PoissComb = { "name": "Poisson Comb", "def": [ 4, "Distr. backbone", "Mw backbone (g/mol)", "PDI backbone", "", "Distr. side", "Mw side (g/mol)", "PDI side", "", "Num. arm", ], "descr": "Comb having Poisson distr.ributed number of side arms connected at random places on the backbone", } FixComb = { "name": "Fixed Comb", "def": [ 5, "Distr. backbone", "Mw backbone (g/mol)", "PDI backbone", "", "Distr. side", "Mw side (g/mol)", "PDI side", "", "Num. arm", ], "descr": "Comb having fixed number of side arms connected at random places on the backbone", } CouplComb = { "name": "Coupled Comb", "def": [ 6, "Distr. backbone", "Mw backbone (g/mol)", "PDI backbone", "", "Distr. side", "Mw side (g/mol)", "PDI side", "", "Num. arm", ], "descr": 'Attach two "Poisson combs" at some random point along the two backbones', } ########################## # Caylay type is handled in a special way. The strings below are not actually used. Cayley3Arm = { "name": "Cayley 3-arm Core", "def": [ 10, "Num. generation", "", "Distr. gen0", "Mw gen0 (g/mol)", "PDI gen0", ], "descr": "Cayley trees with 3 arm star inner core", } CayleyLin = { "name": "Cayley Linear Core", "def": [ 11, "Num. generation", "", "Distr. gen0", "Mw gen0 (g/mol)", "PDI gen0", ], "descr": "Cayley trees with linear inner core", } Cayley4Arm = { "name": "Cayley 4-arm Core", "def": [ 12, "Num. generation", "", "Distr. gen0", "Mw gen0 (g/mol)", "PDI gen0", ], "descr": "Cayley trees with 4 arm star inner core", } ########################### MpeNum = { "name": "MPE num-average", "def": [20, "Mw (g/mol)", "Branch/molecule"], "descr": "Metallocene catalyzed polyethylene with number-based sampling", } MpeWt = { "name": "MPE weight-average", "def": [21, "Mw (g/mol)", "Branch/molecule"], "descr": "Metallocene catalyzed polyethylene with weight-based sampling", } Gel = { "name": "Gel", "def": [25, "Mn (g/mol)", "Up Branch. proba."], "descr": "Gelation ensemble", } Proto = { "name": "Prototype", "def": [40, 'Go to "Result" tab'], "descr": "Polymer prototype from file (user defined)", } FromFile = { "name": "From File", "def": [60, "From file"], "descr": "User supplied pre-generated polymers file", }
[docs] class TheoryCreatePolyconf(QTheory): """Create polymer configuration files using BoB v2.5 (Chinmay Das and Daniel Read). The configuration file created with this theory can then be analysed in the BoB LVE theory, in the LVE application of RepTate. The original documentation of BoB can be found here: `<>`_. * **Parameters** - ``M0`` : Mass of a Monomer - ``Ne`` : Number of monomers in an entanglement length - ``Ratio`` : Ratio weight fraction occupied by component - ``Architecture`` : Polymer architecture type (e.g. Linear, Star, Comb, etc.) - ``Num. of polymer`` : Number of polymers to generate of the above architecture type - ``Num. generations`` : Number of generations (for Cayley architecture type only) - ``Distr.`` : Molecular weight distribution (e.g. Monodisperse, LogNormal, etc.) - ``Mw`` : Weight-average molecular weight - ``PDI`` : Polydispersity index (PDI :math:`=M_w/M_n`) """ thname = "BOB Architecture" description = "Create and Save Polymer Configuration with BOB" citations = ["Das C. et al, J. Rheol. 2006, 50, 207-234"] doi = [""] html_help_file = "" single_file = ( True # False if the theory can be applied to multiple files simultaneously ) signal_param_dialog = Signal(object) def __init__(self, name="", parent_dataset=None, axarr=None): """**Constructor**""" super().__init__(name, parent_dataset, axarr) self.reactname = "CreatePolyconf" self.function = self.calculate # main theory function self.has_modes = False # True if the theory has modes self.signal_param_dialog.connect(self.launch_param_dialog) self.parameters["nbin"] = Parameter( name="nbin", value=50, description="Number of molecular weight bins", type=ParameterType.integer, opt_type=OptType.const, min_value=1, ) self.polyconf_file_out = None # full path of target polyconf file self.autocalculate = False self.bch = BobCtypesHelper(self) self.do_priority_seniority = False self.inp_counter = 0 # counter for the 'virtual' input file for BoB self.virtual_input_file = [] # 'virtual' input file for BoB self.proto_counter = 0 # counter for the 'virtual' proto file for BoB self.virtual_proto_file = [] # 'virtual' proto file for BoB self.from_file_filename = [] # file names of the "from file" type self.from_file_filename_counter = 0 # counter self.protoname = [] # list of proto/polycode names self.ncomponent = 1 self.trash_indices = [] self.dict_component = OrderedDict() self.setup_dialog() self.flag_prototype = 0 tb = QToolBar() tb.setIconSize(QSize(24, 24)) self.btn_prio_senio = tb.addAction( QIcon(":/Icon8/Images/new_icons/priority_seniority.png"), "Calculate Priority and Seniority (can take some time)", ) self.btn_prio_senio.setCheckable(True) self.btn_prio_senio.setChecked(self.do_priority_seniority) self.thToolsLayout.insertWidget(0, tb) self.btn_prio_senio.triggered.connect(self.handle_btn_prio_senio)
[docs] def handle_btn_prio_senio(self, checked): """Change do_priority_seniority""" self.do_priority_seniority = checked
[docs] def setup_dialog(self): """Create the dialog to setup the polymer configuration""" # create form self.dialog = QDialog(self) self.dialog.ui = bob_gen_poly.Ui_Dialog() self.dialog.ui.setupUi(self.dialog) self.d = self.dialog.ui self.d.pb_pick_file.clicked.connect(self.get_file_name) self.d.selected_file.setStyleSheet("color : blue ;") self.d.polymer_tab.setTabsClosable(True) # connect close tab self.d.polymer_tab.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.handle_close_polymer_tab) # connect button Apply self.d.pb_apply.clicked.connect(self.handle_apply_button) # connect button Help self.d.pb_help.clicked.connect(self.handle_help_button) # connect button OK self.d.pb_ok.clicked.connect(self.handle_pb_ok) # connect button Cancel self.d.pb_cancel.clicked.connect(self.dialog.reject) # connect button Add component self.d.add_button.clicked.connect(self.handle_add_component) # connect combobox architecture type self.d.cb_type.currentTextChanged.connect(self.handle_architecture_type_changed) # fill combobox i = 0 for e in ArchitectureType: #self.d.cb_type.addItem(e.value["name"], QVariant( self.d.cb_type.addItem(e.value["name"], self.d.cb_type.setItemData(i, e.value["descr"], Qt.ToolTipRole) i += 1 # pre-fill the prototype text box self.d.proto_text.append( """FunStar 3 -1 -1 1 2 0 10000 1.0 0 2 -1 -1 2 12000 1.4 0 1 -1 -1 4 18000 2.0 FunH 5 -1 -1 1 2 2 10000 1.2 -1 -1 0 2 2 12000 1.01 0 1 3 4 2 25000 1.4 2 4 -1 -1 2 11000 1.1 2 3 -1 -1 2 13000 1.05 """ )
[docs] def handle_pb_ok(self): """Define the OK button role. If something is wrong, keep the dialog open""" if self.handle_apply_button(): self.dialog.accept()
[docs] def handle_apply_button(self): """When Apply button of dialog box is clicked, fill the "Result" widget with the data expected by BoB""" if self.polyconf_file_out is None: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Select Output Polyconf", "Please select a file for BoB to save the polymer configuration", ) return False ncomponents = self.d.polymer_tab.count() if ncomponents < 1: QMessageBox.warning( self, "No polymers in the mix", 'At least one component is needed\nSelect a polymer architecture and click "Add"', ) return False self.from_file_filename_counter self.npol_tot = 0 # total number of polymers tb = self.d.text_box vinp = [] # self.virtual_input_file # remove all current text tb.clear() # 1 memory line tb.append( "%d %d" % (float(self.d.n_polymers.text()), float(self.d.n_segments.text())) ) vinp.append(float(self.d.n_polymers.text())) vinp.append(float(self.d.n_segments.text())) # 2 alpha (not used) tb.append("1.0") vinp.append(1.0) # 3 "1" for BoB 'compatibility' tb.append("1") vinp.append(1) # 4 M0, Ne, (density not used) tb.append("%.6g %.6g 0" % (float(self.d.m0.text()), float( vinp.append(float(self.d.m0.text())) vinp.append(float( vinp.append(0) # 5 tau_e, T (not used) tb.append("0 0") vinp.append(0) vinp.append(0) # 6 number of component(s) in blend tb.append("%d" % len(self.dict_component)) vinp.append(len(self.dict_component)) # 7.. the rest of the lines is specific to the architecture tot_ratio = self.sum_ratios() # summ all components ratios to define weights for pol_dict in self.dict_component.values(): pol_type_list = ArchitectureType[pol_dict["type"]].value[ "def" ] # architecture type value # 8.. weight try: w = float(pol_dict["Ratio"].text()) / tot_ratio except: w = "ERROR" tb.append("%.6g" % w) vinp.append(w) # 9.. num. polymer and type # float -> int conversion needed for e.g. "1e6" npol = int(float(pol_dict["Num. of polymers"].text())) type_number = pol_type_list[0] tb.append("%d %d" % (npol, type_number)) vinp.append(npol) vinp.append(type_number) self.npol_tot += npol if type_number in [10, 11, 12]: # Cayley tree type: handle varible number of generations ngen = pol_dict["Num. generation"] text = "%s\n" % ngen vinp.append(ngen) for i in range(ngen + 1): text += self.poly_param_text(pol_dict, "Distr. gen%d" % i) vinp.append(self.poly_param_text(pol_dict, "Distr. gen%d" % i)) text += self.poly_param_text(pol_dict, "Mw gen%d (g/mol)" % i) vinp.append(self.poly_param_text(pol_dict, "Mw gen%d (g/mol)" % i)) text += self.poly_param_text( pol_dict, "PDI gen%d" % i ).rstrip() # remove whitespace on right side vinp.append(self.poly_param_text(pol_dict, "PDI gen%d" % i)) if i < ngen: text += "\n" elif type_number == 40: # prototype polymer continue else: text = "" for attr in pol_type_list[ 1: ]: # go over all attributes of the architecture type text += self.poly_param_text(pol_dict, attr) vinp.append(self.poly_param_text(pol_dict, attr)) if type_number == 60: # from file: remove the sting from virtual file self.from_file_filename.append(vinp[-1]) vinp = vinp[:-1] text = text.rstrip() tb.append(text) # remove whitespace on right side tb.append("\n") # set current tab to the Text box "result" self.d.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(2) vinp = [float(y) for y in vinp if y != "\n"] self.virtual_input_file = vinp return True
[docs] def poly_param_text(self, pol_dict, attr): """Return a string containing the value of the parameter ``attr`` or a new line if ``attr`` is an empty string """ if attr == "": text = "\n" else: try: val = pol_dict[attr].text() # for QLineEdit (Mw, PDI, narm) except: val = DistributionType[ pol_dict[attr].currentText() ].value # for Dist QComboBox text = "%s " % val return text
[docs] def sum_ratios(self): """Return the (float) sum of the ratio of all polymer components or 1 if there are none""" s = 0.0 for pol_dict in self.dict_component.values(): try: s += float(pol_dict["Ratio"].text()) except ValueError: print("ERROR in Ratio conversion") if s == 0.0: s = 1.0 return s
[docs] def handle_help_button(self): """When Help button of dialog box is clicked, show BoB manual (pdf)""" bob_manual_pdf = "docs%ssource%smanual%sApplications%sReact%sbob2.3.pdf" % ( (os.sep,) * 5 ) QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl.fromLocalFile(bob_manual_pdf))
[docs] def handle_architecture_type_changed(self, current_name): """Activate/Desactivate the 'ngeneration' widgets specific to the Cayley types. Called when the combobox 'Architecture' is changed""" is_cayley = "Cayley" in current_name self.d.ngeneration_label.setDisabled(not is_cayley) self.d.sb_ngeneration.setDisabled(not is_cayley)
[docs] def handle_add_component(self): """Add a tab with new polymer component in the dialog box""" pol_type = self.d.cb_type.currentData() # enum type name # re-use numbering of closed tabs (if any) if self.trash_indices: ind = min(self.trash_indices) self.trash_indices.remove(ind) pol_id = "%s.%s" % (pol_type, ind) else: pol_id = "%s.%s" % (pol_type, self.ncomponent) self.ncomponent += 1 # define a new tab widget tab_widget, success = self.create_new_tab(pol_id, pol_type) index = self.d.polymer_tab.addTab(tab_widget, pol_id) if success: # if success, set new tab as active one self.d.polymer_tab.setCurrentIndex(index) tip = ArchitectureType[pol_type].value["descr"] self.d.polymer_tab.setTabToolTip(index, tip) else: self.handle_close_polymer_tab(index)
[docs] def create_new_tab(self, pol_id, pol_type): """Return a new widget containing a form with all the parameters specific to the polymer type ``pol_type`` """ widget = QWidget(self) layout = QFormLayout() pol_dict = OrderedDict([("type", pol_type),]) # Arch. enum type number val_double = QDoubleValidator() val_double.setBottom(0) # set smallest double allowed in the form e1 = QLineEdit() e1.setValidator(val_double) e1.setMaxLength(6) e1.setText(self.d.ratio.text()) e1.setToolTip("Ratio weight fraction occupied by this polymer type") label = QLabel("Ratio") label.setToolTip("Ratio weight fraction occupied by this polymer type") layout.addRow(label, e1) pol_dict["Ratio"] = e1 e2 = QLineEdit() e2.setValidator(val_double) e2.setText(self.d.number.text()) e2.setToolTip("Number of polymers of this type") label2 = QLabel("Num. of polymers") label2.setToolTip("Number of polymers of this type") layout.addRow(label2, e2) pol_dict["Num. of polymers"] = e2 success = self.set_extra_lines(pol_type, layout, pol_dict) self.dict_component[pol_id] = pol_dict widget.setLayout(layout) if success: return widget, True else: return widget, False
[docs] def set_extra_lines(self, pol_type, layout, pol_dict): """Add extra parameter lines related to the polymer architecture ``pol_type`` to the form layout """ # return a list with the expected input parameters pol_attr = ArchitectureType[pol_type].value["def"] if pol_attr[0] in [10, 11, 12]: # handle the Cayley tree types ngen = self.d.sb_ngeneration.value() pol_dict["Num. generation"] = ngen for i in range(ngen + 1): self.add_new_qline( "Mw gen%d (g/mol)" % i, "1e4", layout, pol_dict, tip="Molecular weight of generation %d" % i, ) self.add_new_qline( "PDI gen%d" % i, "1.2", layout, pol_dict, tip="Polydispersity index of generation %d" % i, ) self.add_cb_distribution( "Distr. gen%d" % i, layout, pol_dict, tip="Molecular weight distribution of generation %d" % i, ) elif pol_attr[0] == 40: # type 40: give a text box that must be saved to a temp file label = pol_attr[1] layout.addRow(QLabel(""), QLabel(label)) pol_dict[label] = label self.flag_prototype += 1 self.d.proto_text.setDisabled(False) self.d.proto_label.setDisabled(False) elif pol_attr[0] == 60: # handle the "from file" type attr = pol_attr[1] fpath = self.get_file_path() if fpath == "": return False if not self.is_ascii(fpath): # # copy file # ok_path = os.path.join('theories', 'temp', 'my_polyconf.dat') # copy2(fpath, ok_path) # fpath = ok_path self.Qprint( '<font color=orange><b>"%s" contains non-ascii characters. BoB might not like it...</b></font>' % fpath ) print( '"%s" contains non-ascii characters. BoB might not like it...' % fpath ) self.add_new_qline(attr, fpath, layout, pol_dict, editable=False) else: for attr in pol_attr[1:]: if "arm" in attr: if pol_attr[0] in [4, 6]: # comb Poisson distribution (double) self.add_new_qline( attr, "4.2", layout, pol_dict, tip="Average number of arms per molecules", ) else: # star or comb with fixed number of arms (integer) self.add_new_qline( attr, "3", layout, pol_dict, QIntValidator(), tip="Number of arms per molecule (integer)", ) if "Mw" in attr: # add Mw line self.add_new_qline( attr, "1e4", layout, pol_dict, tip="Weight-average molecular weight", ) elif "Mn" in attr: # add Mn line self.add_new_qline( attr, "1e4", layout, pol_dict, tip="Number-average molecular weight", ) elif "PDI" in attr: # add PDI line self.add_new_qline( attr, "1.2", layout, pol_dict, tip="Polydispersity index" ) elif "Dist" in attr: # add distribution combobox self.add_cb_distribution( attr, layout, pol_dict, tip="Molecular weight distribution" ) elif "/mol" in attr: # add branch/molecule line self.add_new_qline( attr, "0.1", layout, pol_dict, tip="Number of branch per molecule", ) elif "proba" in attr: # add branching proba line self.add_new_qline( attr, "0.2", layout, pol_dict, tip="Branching probability" ) elif attr == "": continue return True # success
[docs] def get_file_path(self): """Select a polyconf file for BoB to read""" # file browser window options = QFileDialog.Options() dir_start = os.path.join(RepTate.root_dir, "data", "React") dilogue_name = "Select a Polymer Configuration File" ext_filter = "Data Files (*.dat)" selected_file, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, dilogue_name, dir_start, ext_filter, options=options ) return selected_file
[docs] def add_new_qline( self, name, default_val, layout, pol_dict, validator=QDoubleValidator(), tip="", editable=True, ): """Add a new line to the form layout containing a QLabel widget for the parameter name and a QLineEdit to change the parameter value""" validator.setBottom(0) # set smallest double allowed in the form e = QLineEdit() e.setValidator(validator) e.setText("%s" % default_val) e.setToolTip(tip) e.setReadOnly(not editable) label = QLabel(name) label.setToolTip(tip) layout.addRow(label, e) pol_dict[name] = e
[docs] def add_cb_distribution(self, name, layout, pol_dict, tip=""): """Add a new line to the form layout containing a QLabel widget for the parameter name and a QComboBox to change the parameter value""" cb = QComboBox() for dtype in DistributionType: # list the distribution names cb.addItem( cb.setCurrentIndex(2) # log-normal by default cb.setToolTip(tip) label = QLabel(name) label.setToolTip(tip) layout.addRow(label, cb) pol_dict[name] = cb
[docs] def handle_close_polymer_tab(self, index): """Close a tab and delete dictionary entry Called when the close-tab button is clicked""" name = self.d.polymer_tab.tabText(index) ind = int("".join(c for c in name if c.isdigit())) # get the tab number del self.dict_component[name] self.d.polymer_tab.removeTab(index) self.trash_indices.append(ind) if "Prototype" in name: self.flag_prototype -= 1 if self.flag_prototype == 0: self.d.proto_text.setDisabled(True) self.d.proto_label.setDisabled(True)
[docs] def launch_param_dialog(self): """Show the dialog to set-up number of the polymer components in the mix and all the relevant parameters for each component. This function is called via a Signal for multithread compatibility""" if self.dialog.exec_(): # # create temporary file for BoB input # temp_dir = os.path.join('theories', 'temp') # #create temp folder if does not exist # if not os.path.exists(temp_dir): # os.makedirs(temp_dir) # # path to 'bob_inp.dat' # temp_inp = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'bob_inp.dat') temp_inp = "bob_inp.dat" # dummy name, virtual files used now self.dump_text_to_file(temp_inp, self.d.text_box) if self.flag_prototype > 0: # path to 'poly.proto' temp_proto = os.path.join(temp_dir, "poly.proto") self.dump_text_to_file(temp_proto, self.d.proto_text) tmp = self.d.proto_text.toPlainText().split() self.protoname = [] self.virtual_proto_file = [] for x in tmp: try: self.virtual_proto_file.append(float(x)) except ValueError: self.protoname.append(x) if len(self.protoname) < self.flag_prototype: # weak check on length of protofile self.Qprint("Error in the prototype file") return # ask where to save the polymer config file out_file = self.polyconf_file_out tmp1, tmp2 = os.path.splitext(out_file) if tmp2 == "": self.Qprint( "<font color=red><b>Set the output filepath to write the polyconf file</b></font>" ) else: if self.polyconf_file_out is not None: if not self.is_ascii(self.polyconf_file_out): # to avoid path name troubles # out_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'temp_polyconf.dat') # commented: avoid create files self.Qprint( '<font color=orange><b>"%s" contains non-ascii characters. BoB might not like it...</b></font>' % out_file ) print( '"%s" contains non-ascii characters. BoB might not like it...' % out_file ) # BoB main arguments self.argv = ["./bob", "-i", temp_inp, "-c", out_file, "-p"] if self.flag_prototype > 0: self.argv.append("-x") self.argv.append(temp_proto) self.success_dialog = True return self.success_dialog = False
[docs] def dump_text_to_file(self, temp_file, text_widget): """NOT USED ANYMORE. Use virtual files only. Dump the content of the "result" tab of the dialog box into a file ``temp_file``""" pass
# with open(temp_file, 'w') as tmp: # tmp.write(str(text_widget.toPlainText()))
[docs] def get_file_name(self): """Launch a dialog for selecting a file where to save the result of the polymer configuration created by BoB. Return a string with a filename""" options = QFileDialog.Options() options |= QFileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite dir_start = os.path.join(RepTate.root_dir, "data", "React", "BoB_polyconf.dat") dilogue_name = "Save BoB Polymer Configuration" ext_filter = "Data Files (*.dat)" out_file = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, dilogue_name, dir_start, ext_filter, options=options ) self.polyconf_file_out = out_file[0] self.d.selected_file.setText(os.path.basename(out_file[0]))
[docs] def is_ascii(self, s): """Check if `s` contains non ASCII characters""" try: s.encode("ascii") return True except UnicodeEncodeError: return False
[docs] def request_stop_computations(self): """Called when user wants to terminate the current computation""" self.Qprint("<font color=red><b>Stop current calculation requested</b></font>") self.bch.set_flag_stop_bob(ctypes.c_bool(True))
[docs] def do_error(self, line=""): """This theory does not calculate the error""" pass
[docs] def calculate(self, f=None): """Create polymer configuration file and calculate distribution characteristics""" ft = f.data_table tt = self.tables[f.file_name_short] tt.num_columns = ft.num_columns tt.num_rows = ft.num_rows = np.zeros((tt.num_rows, tt.num_columns)) # show form self.success_dialog = None self.signal_param_dialog.emit(self) while self.success_dialog is None: # wait for the end of QDialog time.sleep( 0.5 ) # TODO: find a better way to wait for the dialog thread to finish if not self.success_dialog: self.Qprint("Operation cancelled") return # Run BoB C++ code gpc_out = [] QApplication.processEvents() self.bch.link_c_callback() self.bch.set_do_priority_seniority(ctypes.c_bool(self.do_priority_seniority)) self.start_time_cal = time.time() try: mn, mw, gpc_out = self.bch.save_polyconf_and_return_gpc( self.argv, self.npol_tot ) except BobError: self.Qprint("Operation cancelled") return # copy results to RepTate data file if gpc_out: if not self.is_ascii(self.polyconf_file_out): pass # #copy file to selected loaction # temp_polyconf = os.path.join('theories', 'temp', # 'temp_polyconf.dat') # copy2(temp_polyconf, self.polyconf_file_out) try: self.Qprint("<br><b>Mn=%.3g, Mw=%.3g, PDI=%.3g</b>" % (mn, mw, mw / mn)) except ZeroDivisionError: self.Qprint("<br><b>Mn=%.3g, Mw=%.3g</b>" % (mn, mw)) self.Qprint( '<br><b>Polymer configuration written in</b><i>"%s"</i><br>' % self.polyconf_file_out ) # copy results to data series lgmid_out, wtbin_out, brbin_out, gbin_out = gpc_out tt.num_columns = ft.num_columns tt.num_rows = len(lgmid_out) = np.zeros((tt.num_rows, tt.num_columns))[:, 0] = lgmid_out[:][:, 1] = wtbin_out[:][:, 2] = gbin_out[:][:, 3] = brbin_out[:]