Source code for RepTate.applications.ApplicationGt

# RepTate: Rheology of Entangled Polymers: Toolkit for the Analysis of Theory and Experiments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors:
#     Jorge Ramirez,
#     Victor Boudara,
# Useful links:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (2017-2023): Jorge Ramirez, Victor Boudara, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Leeds
# This file is part of RepTate.
# RepTate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# RepTate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with RepTate.  If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Module ApplicationGt

Module for the analysis of stress relaxation data from simulations and experiments.

from RepTate.gui.QApplicationWindow import QApplicationWindow
from RepTate.core.View import View
from RepTate.core.FileType import TXTColumnFile
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

from PySide6.QtWidgets import (
import RepTate.theories.schwarzl_ctypes_helper as sch
from math import log10, sin, cos

[docs] class ApplicationGt(QApplicationWindow): """Application to Analyze Stress Relaxation Data""" appname = "Gt" description = "Relaxation modulus" extension = "gt" html_help_file = "" def __init__(self, name="Gt", parent=None): """**Constructor**""" from RepTate.theories.TheoryMaxwellModes import TheoryMaxwellModesTime from RepTate.theories.TheoryRouse import TheoryRouseTime from RepTate.theories.TheoryDTDStars import TheoryDTDStarsTime from RepTate.theories.TheoryShanbhagMaxwellModes import ( TheoryShanbhagMaxwellModesTime, ) super().__init__(name, parent) # time range for view conversion to frequency domain self.tmin_view = -np.inf self.tmax_view = np.inf # VIEWS self.views["log(G(t))"] = View( name="log(G(t))", description="log Relaxation modulus", x_label="log(t)", y_label="log(G)", x_units="s", y_units="Pa", log_x=False, log_y=False, view_proc=self.viewLogGt, n=1, snames=["log(G)"], ) self.views["i-Rheo G',G''"] = View( name="i-Rheo G',G''", description="G', G'' from i-Rheo transformation of G(t)", x_label=r"$\omega$", y_label="G',G''", x_units="rad/s", y_units="Pa", log_x=True, log_y=True, view_proc=self.viewiRheo, n=2, snames=["G'", "G''"], ) self.views["i-Rheo-Over G',G''"] = View( name="i-Rheo-Over G',G''", description="G', G'' from i-Rheo transformation of G(t) with Oversampling", x_label=r"$\omega$", y_label="G',G''", x_units="rad/s", y_units="Pa", log_x=True, log_y=True, view_proc=self.viewiRheoOver, n=2, snames=["G'", "G''"], ) self.views["Schwarzl G',G''"] = View( name="Schwarzl G',G''", description="G', G'' from Schwarzl transformation of G(t)", x_label=r"$\omega$", y_label="G',G''", x_units="rad/s", y_units="Pa", log_x=True, log_y=True, view_proc=self.viewSchwarzl_Gt, n=2, snames=["G'", "G''"], ) self.views["G(t)"] = View( name="G(t)", description="Relaxation modulus", x_label="t", y_label="G", x_units="s", y_units="Pa", log_x=True, log_y=True, view_proc=self.viewGt, n=1, snames=["G"], ) self.OVER = 100 # initial oversampling self.MIN_OVER = 1 # min oversampling self.MAX_OVER = 10000 # max oversampling # set multiviews self.multiviews = [ self.views["log(G(t))"], self.views["i-Rheo G',G''"], ] # default view order in multiplot views, set only one item for single view self.nplots = len(self.multiviews) # set multiviews self.nplots = 2 self.multiviews = [] for i in range(self.nplot_max): # set views in the same order as declared above self.multiviews.append(list(self.views.values())[i]) self.multiplots.reorg_fig(self.nplots) # FILES ftype = TXTColumnFile( "G(t) files", "gt", "Relaxation modulus", ["t", "Gt"], ["Mw", "gamma"], ["s", "Pa"], ) self.filetypes[ftype.extension] = ftype # THEORIES self.theories[TheoryMaxwellModesTime.thname] = TheoryMaxwellModesTime self.theories[TheoryRouseTime.thname] = TheoryRouseTime self.theories[TheoryDTDStarsTime.thname] = TheoryDTDStarsTime self.theories[ TheoryShanbhagMaxwellModesTime.thname ] = TheoryShanbhagMaxwellModesTime self.add_common_theories() # set the current view self.set_views() # GUI specific stuff self.add_oversampling_widget() self.set_oversampling_widget_visible(False) self.add_xrange_widget_view() self.set_xrange_widgets_view_visible(False)
[docs] def add_oversampling_widget(self): """Add spinbox for the oversampling ratio""" self.sb_oversampling = QSpinBox() self.sb_oversampling.setToolTip("Value of the oversampling ratio") self.sb_oversampling.setRange(self.MIN_OVER, self.MAX_OVER) self.sb_oversampling.setValue(self.OVER) self.sb_oversampling.valueChanged.connect(self.change_oversampling) self.viewLayout.insertWidget(2, self.sb_oversampling)
[docs] def add_xrange_widget_view(self): """Add widgets below the view combobox to select the x-range applied to view transformation""" hlayout = QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addStretch() # xmin self.xmin_view = QLineEdit("-inf") self.xmin_view.setToolTip( "Discard data points below this value before i-Rheo transformation" ) self.xmin_view.editingFinished.connect(self.set_xmin) self.xmin_view.setMaximumWidth(35) self.xmin_view.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Maximum, QSizePolicy.Maximum) self.xmin_label = QLabel("<b>log(t<sub>min</sub>)</b>") hlayout.addWidget(self.xmin_label) hlayout.addWidget(self.xmin_view) # space hlayout.addSpacing(5) # xmax self.xmax_view = QLineEdit("inf") self.xmax_view.setToolTip( "Discard data points above this value before i-Rheo transformation" ) self.xmax_view.editingFinished.connect(self.set_xmax) self.xmax_view.setMaximumWidth(35) self.xmax_view.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Maximum, QSizePolicy.Maximum) self.xmax_label = QLabel(" <b>log(t<sub>max</sub>)</b>") hlayout.addWidget(self.xmax_label) hlayout.addWidget(self.xmax_view) # push button to refresh view self.pb = QPushButton("GO") self.pb.setMaximumWidth(25) self.pb.clicked.connect(self.update_all_ds_plots) hlayout.addWidget(self.pb) self.hlayout_view = hlayout self.ViewDataTheoryLayout.insertLayout(1, self.hlayout_view)
[docs] def set_xmin(self): """Update the value of t_min. Return success status""" text = self.xmin_view.text() if text in ["-np.inf", "-inf"]: self.tmin_view = -np.inf else: try: self.tmin_view = 10 ** float(text) if self.tmin_view >= self.tmax_view: self.xmin_view.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { background: red;}") return False else: self.xmin_view.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { background: white;}") except: self.xmin_view.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { background: red;}") return False return True
[docs] def set_xmax(self): """Update the value of t_max. Return success status""" text = self.xmax_view.text() if text in ["np.inf", "inf"]: self.tmax_view = np.inf else: try: self.tmax_view = 10 ** float(text) if self.tmin_view >= self.tmax_view: self.xmax_view.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { background: red;}") return False else: self.xmax_view.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { background: white;}") except: self.xmax_view.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { background: red;}") return False return True
[docs] def change_oversampling(self, val): """Change the value of the oversampling ratio. Called when the spinbox value is changed""" self.OVER = val
[docs] def set_oversampling_widget_visible(self, state): """Show/Hide the extra widget "sampling ratio" """ self.sb_oversampling.setVisible(state)
[docs] def set_xrange_widgets_view_visible(self, state): """Show/Hide the extra widgets for xrange selection""" self.pb.setVisible(state) self.xmin_label.setVisible(state) self.xmax_label.setVisible(state) self.xmin_view.setVisible(state) self.xmax_view.setVisible(state)
[docs] def set_view_tools(self, view_name): """Show/Hide extra view widgets depending on the current view""" if view_name in ["i-Rheo G',G''", "Schwarzl G',G''"]: self.set_xrange_widgets_view_visible(True) self.set_oversampling_widget_visible(False) elif view_name == "i-Rheo-Over G',G''": self.set_xrange_widgets_view_visible(True) self.set_oversampling_widget_visible(True) else: try: self.set_xrange_widgets_view_visible(False) self.set_oversampling_widget_visible(False) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def viewGt(self, dt, file_parameters): """Relaxation modulus :math:`G(t)` vs time :math:`t` (both in logarithmic scale)""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) try: gamma = float(file_parameters["gamma"]) if gamma == 0: gamma = 1 except: gamma = 1 x[:, 0] =[:, 0] y[:, 0] =[:, 1] / gamma return x, y, True
[docs] def viewLogGt(self, dt, file_parameters): """Logarithm of the relaxation modulus :math:`G(t)` vs logarithm of time :math:`t`""" x = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) y = np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 1)) try: gamma = float(file_parameters["gamma"]) if gamma == 0: gamma = 1 except: gamma = 1 x[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 0]) y[:, 0] = np.log10([:, 1] / gamma) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewSchwarzl_Gt(self, dt, file_parameters): """Schwarzl transformation: numerical calculation of the storage modulus :math:`G'(\\omega)` and loss modulus :math:`G''(\\omega)` from the relaxation modulus :math:`G(t)`""" error_msg, data_x, data_y = self.get_xy_data_in_xrange(dt) if error_msg is not None: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", error_msg) return n = len(data_x) try: gamma = float(file_parameters["gamma"]) if gamma == 0: gamma = 1 except: gamma = 1 data_y /= gamma x = np.zeros((n, 2)) y = np.zeros((n, 2)) wp, Gp, wpp, Gpp = sch.do_schwarzl_gt(n, data_y, data_x) # call the C function x[:, 0] = wp[:] x[:, 1] = wpp[:] y[:, 0] = Gp[:] y[:, 1] = Gpp[:] return x, y, True
[docs] def viewiRheo(self, dt, file_parameters): """i-Rheo Fourier transformation of the relaxation modulus :math:`G(t)` to obtain the storage modulus :math:`G'(\\omega)` and loss modulus :math:`G''(\\omega)` (no oversamplig).""" error_msg, data_x, data_y = self.get_xy_data_in_xrange(dt) if error_msg is not None: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", error_msg) return np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 2)), np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 2)), False xunique, indunique = np.unique(data_x, return_index=True) n = len(xunique) yunique = data_y[indunique] data_x = xunique data_y = yunique try: gamma = float(file_parameters["gamma"]) if gamma == 0: gamma = 1 except: gamma = 1 data_y /= gamma x = np.zeros((n, 2)) y = np.zeros((n, 2)) if len(data_x) < 2: f = interpolate.interp1d( data_x, data_y, kind="zero", assume_sorted=True, fill_value="extrapolate", ) elif len(data_x) < 3: f = interpolate.interp1d( data_x, data_y, kind="linear", assume_sorted=True, fill_value="extrapolate", ) elif len(data_x) < 4: f = interpolate.interp1d( data_x, data_y, kind="quadratic", assume_sorted=True, fill_value="extrapolate", ) else: f = interpolate.interp1d( data_x, data_y, kind="cubic", assume_sorted=True, fill_value="extrapolate", ) g0 = f(0) ind1 = np.argmax(data_x > 0) t1 = data_x[ind1] g1 = data_y[ind1] tinf = np.max(data_x) if tinf <= 0 or t1 <= 0: return x, y, False wp = np.logspace(log10(1 / tinf), log10(1 / t1), n) x[:, 0] = wp[:] x[:, 1] = wp[:] coeff = (data_y[ind1 + 1 :] - data_y[ind1:-1]) / ( data_x[ind1 + 1 :] - data_x[ind1:-1] ) for i, w in enumerate(wp): y[i, 0] = ( g0 + sin(w * t1) * (g1 - g0) / w / t1 + coeff, -np.sin(w * data_x[ind1:-1]) + np.sin(w * data_x[ind1 + 1 :]) ) / w ) y[i, 1] = ( -(1 - cos(w * t1)) * (g1 - g0) / w / t1 - coeff, np.cos(w * data_x[ind1:-1]) - np.cos(w * data_x[ind1 + 1 :]) ) / w ) return x, y, True
[docs] def viewiRheoOver(self, dt, file_parameters): """i-Rheo Fourier transformation of the relaxation modulus :math:`G(t)` to obtain the storage modulus :math:`G'(\\omega)` and loss modulus :math:`G''(\\omega)` (with user selected oversamplig).""" error_msg, data_x, data_y = self.get_xy_data_in_xrange(dt) if error_msg is not None: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", error_msg) return np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 2)), np.zeros((dt.num_rows, 2)), False xunique, indunique = np.unique(data_x, return_index=True) n = len(xunique) yunique = data_y[indunique] data_x = xunique data_y = yunique try: gamma = float(file_parameters["gamma"]) if gamma == 0: gamma = 1 except: gamma = 1 data_y /= gamma x = np.zeros((n, 2)) y = np.zeros((n, 2)) f = interpolate.interp1d( data_x, data_y, kind="cubic", assume_sorted=True, fill_value="extrapolate" ) g0 = f(0) ind1 = np.argmax(data_x > 0) t1 = data_x[ind1] g1 = data_y[ind1] tinf = np.max(data_x) wp = np.logspace(np.log10(1 / tinf), np.log10(1 / t1), n) x[:, 0] = wp[:] x[:, 1] = wp[:] # Create oversampled data xdata = np.zeros(1) xdata[0] = data_x[ind1] for i in range(ind1 + 1, n): tmp = np.logspace(log10(data_x[i - 1]), log10(data_x[i]), self.OVER + 1) xdata = np.append(xdata, tmp[1:]) ydata = f(xdata) coeff = (ydata[1:] - ydata[:-1]) / (xdata[1:] - xdata[:-1]) for i, w in enumerate(wp): y[i, 0] = ( g0 + sin(w * t1) * (g1 - g0) / w / t1 +, -np.sin(w * xdata[:-1]) + np.sin(w * xdata[1:])) / w ) y[i, 1] = ( -(1 - cos(w * t1)) * (g1 - g0) / w / t1 -, np.cos(w * xdata[:-1]) - np.cos(w * xdata[1:])) / w ) return x, y, True
[docs] def get_xy_data_in_xrange(self, dt): """Return the x and y data that with t in [self.tmin_view, self.tmax_view]""" success = self.set_xmin() success *= self.set_xmax() if success: # get indices of data in xrange filtered = np.logical_and([:, 0] >= self.tmin_view,[:, 0] <= self.tmax_view ) non_zeros = np.count_nonzero(filtered) if non_zeros < 1: # too few data between tmin and tmax return ( "Too few data points (%d) between t_min and t_max" % non_zeros, None, None, ) args = np.where(filtered) x_in_range =[:, 0][args] y_in_range =[:, 1][args] return None, x_in_range, y_in_range else: return "Check values of t_min and t_max", None, None